Chapter 17 - Greta

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As Greta was busy making her way to the place that Nijada had told her to come to, Keegan had Lauren and Marnie taken to the hospital under guard so that they could look after the babies as Keegan wasn't about to let Charisma out until he had spoken to Greta and Alfie.

Ryan opened the door to Greta, who walked in with her lips pursed and her clutch bag in her hand. She looked at him and turned her head to the side and saw her daughter, looking sorry for herself.
"What's going on here?."

"I thought you should be the first to know.. me and Ni.. are getting divorced."

Greta looked like she was about to pass out.

"Shes got something to tell you." Keegan said throwing his eyes in her direction.


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"Well?." Greta said and looked at her.

"I Umm... I...

"Just spit it out girl!." She said. " I don't have time for this."

"I slept with Keegan's step father... he may have been Alexis father...

"You what?... are you fucking with me?.."

"No mama... I was drunk...

"The story of her life" Ryan dropped in.

"It was my hen party and I.. I messed up...

"So.. now you know.. me and yo daughter will be divorced this time next week.." he looked at Greta. "And I will be with Charisma..

Greta went quiet for a while and then she ran over to Nijada almost falling in her heels in a rage. She hit her and hit her again. "You stupid, stupid girl!."

"MOMMMM... MMOMMM." She yelled and Keegan pulled her off.

" talk to the girl properly or leave her alone... It's yo mess Greta no one else's." Keegan said and walked outside to give them chance to talk.

Greta followed him outside, she wasn't interested in her daughter right now she was just trying to ensure that her livelihood and her family name was not going to die in disrepute.

"Keegan.." he turned and looked at her. "maybe there is a way.." she rested her hand on his chest. "Charisma is Alfie's daughter.. and he's my husband...


"I can see past his infidelity... and I can take her on as my daughter.. so nothing needs to change.. we can still work together..

Keegan just stared at her. "Am I actually hearing this?.. you sound as desperate as hell Greta this is not a good look...

"You can't back out on the deals Keegan.. you signed full contracts... I will get rid of Tara and I will send Nijada to live with her aunt.. charisma will be a princess and she will have everything under Alfie's and my name... before she becomes yo wife.." she stared at him completely adamant.

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