Naïve Bitch |18

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"I now pronounce you man and wife."


"Great, let's leave." Lomonosov says impatiently. Once again i am hauled off and bundled into a plane.
The flight was long and annoying, i try to sleep but I'm not comfortable with how intently he's looking at me, however i seem to forget that sleep is a tyrant.

Next i wake I'm in my old room, the sky dark outside. The water he gave me was spiked, how the hell?
I sit up immediately checking my clothing, seeing it hadn't been tampered with i heave a sigh of relief.
I try to get out of bed but i hear a jingle of some sorts. Throwing the covers off me completely, i see that my leg is chained to the floor.

The panic kicks in. I scramble off the bed and begin to inspect the chain pulling it to see of it would budge.

"What kind of fuckery is this?" I feel myself break out in cold sweat, i pull harder seeing it was hopeless, i walk around but the chain only allowed me so much mobility.

"god no! Pleasepleaseplease." I panic as i try to reach for the grandfather clock in the corner. It was heavy perhaps there was a part of it that was dense enough to use to pry the links of the chain apart.

I can't reach it, no matter what i do it was just so close yet so far. I suddenly remember, my umbrella. When Mikhail and i snuck out we got caught in the middle of a downpour. He bought a transparent umbrella but hid it under the bed.

I crouch down quickly, praying to whatever people believed in that it was still there. It's really dark, the only source of light being a lamp that was attached to the wall.

My eyes catch a silhouette, reaching in and with the help of my nails I'm able to pull it by a string attached to it's sheath.

The clock goes down within a few minutes of cursing and crying. I don't move out its way due to my limitation so it's glass pierces through my arm. I have to hold my mouth to avoid the cry from leaving. Tears well up and with my other arm i push the clock off. The glass was too painful to take out and my vision is blurred from the tears and my sobs of pain.

I find a piece of the clock that's dense enough for me to pry apart the chain link. Once it comes off I realise that I'm wearing an anklet that isn't mine. Squinting my eyes i see some markings on the gold thing.

Roman Lomonosov.

I twist it around to find it's hook or the way in which it was attached to my leg but I'm met with surprise when it's clean, smooth and looks as if i was born with it on my leg.

It's just a perfect ring with a serration so small and invisible a bee stinger couldn't fit. Why was it on my leg, I'm not stupid enough to think that it's just an anklet.

I decide to figure it out later but right now, getting out of this place was my first priority.

I peek out my window, evaluating how long it would take to get to a garage and get a car. Perhaps I'd stay there until Lomonosov and his envoy would leave.

Would they notice one more car?
Probably not but only if i take one with the deepest tinted windows.
But what if things go south?

I shake my head, they had to go the way I wanted them to, if not..... i was doomed.
It made me sick to my core that i would carry a child that belonged to Lomonosov for ten months and then what? I'd be disposed of? The baby would be taken from me? Or I'd lose everything again?

That plan, in as shotgun as it was had to work. It just had to. I had nothing else and no one else.

I step out the window and onto the now narrow ledge where a full roof used to be. Apparently they had destroyed the storage room so I could no longer use its roof.

I avoid looking down and hold onto the pillars, taking tiny steps. The breeze blows violently, before long i feel the sharp stings of tiny water drops hitting my skin.
It doesn't take too long for me to reach a part of the roof that was not only safer but made it easier to get down the roof.

The rain had escalated into a storm, my dress isn't very convenient for running but it'll have to do. I'm soaked and shivering, my hair stuck to my forehead, nape and body.

I feel the uncomfortable shiver spells rip through me. It only heightens my need to survive, who knows what he'll do if he finds me. Barely a day back here and my room is being modified into a prison cell.

I sprint to the garage, but it's the worst decision I've made as immediately i hear yelling from two guards who I didn't see.
They chase me and I abandon all plans, i run straight into an artificial forest Lomonosov had.

It was for training, that meant it was filled with traps, some more lethal than the others. If there was one reason I stopped believing in god for, it was because he always made me into an example. Believer or not, my luck was still shitty.

I decide not to venture further into the forest. My body temperature is rapidly dropping, I couldn't keep running even if i wanted to, not when everything i saw was pitch black.
I hide at the base of a tree, I feel the shivers that make me convulse but my relief only lasted so long. I hear a bunch of footsteps, heavy footsteps. I chew on my fingers in fear, I'm paralysed with fear as i hold back my sobs. I feel little stings on my legs, where thorns scratched at me.

I hear them come closer, i close my eyes tighter as i huddle my legs to my chest. It doesn't take long before I feel some lights point at me, I don't look up.

I didn't have it in me. I thought i was smarter, better but it was just a lie i kept telling myself.
I was nothing without the people behind me.
I hadn't worked for anything in my life. It was handed to me on a silver platter.

But they were gone......all of them.
My dad,
My mom, all of them. I had no one left. If i did escape, I didn't have anything to my name but a debt. It would leave me at a deficit.

I hear his voice, he's cursing at me. I've been here long enough to know that.
I feel my lip quiver as i huddle further into myself. The guards are sent away, plunging us both into darkness.

"You stupid girl." He crouches down. "I love your naïvety," He makes me look up at him. I don't see anything but a dark figure that strangely resembles a demon. "I'm going to have so much fun with you, my little wife."

( T.W: this is a dark romance, things will get progressively darker. I'm talking about physical violence, Sexual assault, rape and domestic violence, ptsd, self harm, suicide and forced breeding and attempted infanticide. Lomonosov's character is not to be loved, if these themes upset you then you are implored to drop this book. I don't want any hate speech/comments on this. This book is not fluff. Just thought to spoil it for you.)

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