Everyone Wants Her Dead |08

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I sit stiffly and uncomfortably, I didn't want to be here yet i had no choice.
I was on my own here, Mikhail~ my only comfort was outside those doors.

"Here." I'm offered a document by a man that i was introduced to as Lomonosov's half brother.
It was all in Russian.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" I ask.

"You're supposed to sign them, you dullard." Lomonosov's step mother curses at me.
I close my eyes in anger.

"I'm sorry lady but I'm not signing what i can't read."
I throw them to the middle of the table, I didn't try to be nice about it as the unbounded documents scatter and fly everywhere.

"You insolent bitch!" Lomonosov's step mother curses at me, slamming her hands in the table and standing up.
I maintain my poker face even though i was on the brink of tears.

It turns out that after Lomonosov's mother died, her twin sister played opportunist and married his father, effectively baby trapping him with Lomonosov's half brother.

"If I'm insolent then you're a fucking cunt." I stand as well but my rene heels make little difference to our height.
She pulls out a gun trying to make me cower but i stand firm.
It's against all law to kill the wife of the current leader of your mafia and she can't kill me in the middle of a meeting with other mafias.

"Tch, this bitch." She sits. "Someone translate the documents please."

After they were read through by the family lawyer i sign them because they needed access to some of my dad's bank information and i was his co signer.

"To the order of the day." An old man says standing up. "We would've gotten this over with last night but we got word that you fell sick Mrs Lomonosov."
There's a suspicious pause. I feel tingles but it's not of any good.

"Are you pregnant? The Lomonosov family is known for being really......potent?"

What the fuck?

"No, I'm not pregnant." I deadpan.
"But why?" The man questions.
"I don't want kids."

Not with him i don't.

There's a gasp from several people at the table.
"But the Lomonosov family need an heir." A woman complains. "It's how they've maintained their family."

"Well, he's right there. Go fuck him yourself, you don't seem to have gone through menopause." I tell the lady who insists that i am an object for reproduction.
"You have to provide an heir." She emphasises on the have.

"I'm sorry, i cannot be reduced to a breeding tool."

I didn't want kids with him. Why would they ask me for such? Didn't they know that this marriage was temporary and one of convenience? Besides I'm just 20, wouldn't this count as a teen pregnancy?

"You have to continue the Lomonosov's family line." A man states. "Be like lady Anastasia here." He points to Lomonosov's step mother.
"She gave Mr Igor another son in less than a few months of being married."

"Well i said i don't want kids."
"That means he's going to have to take a mistress!" He protests.
"Then let him! He already has one anyway and she should be useful while at it."

We bicker back and forth, at one point someone  called for a doctor and they tried to make me take a fertility test. I might've knocked someone unconscious but at least i didn't get my legs spread out on the table for all to see.

Lomonosov after pinching his nose bridge for a solid thirty minutes gets up and announces
"We'll work on it, don't put pressure on me."


The ride home is stiff. I asked for a copy of the document so that Mikhail could read it to me. I still didn't trust them.

"You are the worst thing that ever happened to me." Lomonosov groans pinching at his nose bridge.
Shouldn't that place be sore by now?
"You have no idea what i gave up to ensure your safety."

I flip the documents, trying to automatically understand them out of nowhere.
"I'm talking to you goddammit." He grabs them and throws them across the car.

Ahh, so you've had it in you to curse the entire time.

"Stop nagging and acting like you aren't benefiting something from this. For one, i know you'll be taking over my father's mafia, controlling his company, a portion of his oil and gold even when we're divorced so drop the bitching and leave me alone."

"I really cannot wait to get rid of you." He growls out.
(Not the cringe growl i swear.)

"Believe me buddy the feeling is mutual. I wish i never met you, fuck that i wish you didn't exist." I rush back at him, if he thought i was enjoying this marriage one bit that he had his dick in the clouds.

The car barely pulls up at the entrance before i walk out the car, slamming the door harshly.
He repeats my actions but chases after me.

I realise that he is hot on my trail and i pick up my pace.
"Why the fuck are you following me?" I ask getting ready to sprint into the elevator.
I make it in but he stops the door and walks in as well.

He has me cornered against the wall. He tilts his head to the side.
"Where's that dumb dog of yours?"
"It wasn't mine. I borrowed it from Mikhail's sister."
"So you were bluffing that day."

He's too close to me, it's strangely not too uncomfortable.

He presses up against me further. I put my hands out to stop him but i end up feeling all the hard muscles underneath his clothes.

"Anything you like Eliana?"
"You look stupid." He laughs and i push him off me.
"Spend some time with me." He says now facing forward. "I'm not taking no for an answer, perhaps it'll help with the hostility we have towards each other."

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.
"Just join me for a nightcap, it's already evening."


After changing from my body con dress and taking a shower, i slip on my silk robe.
I don't put on any underwear because those seem to strangle you as soon as you step foot in your house.

I open the transparent double doors. If there was no lights inside the bar than it would serve as a mirror of some sorts but there was light in it.

I see him pouring some whiskey into a shot glass before downing it in one go.
I hold my throat, that must've burned.
He seemed off, for some reason the person there just wasn't him.

"Are you okay?" I ask in half baked concern.
"Going through it but yes." He points to the sofa. "Take a seat."

I do as he asks, not willing to struggle with getting onto those barstools with no panties on.
What if i fall? I shudder at the thought.

He passes me a glass of wine over my head and i take it. He sits beside me and helps himself to some as well.

I shake the wine in the glass, staring at it for perhaps some poison or drug he had laced it with.

"I didn't poison it." He says not looking up from his phone.
"Yeah right." I still stare at it, partially hoping that i was right just so i could force him to drink it.

"If i wanted to kill you, I wouldn't go for something as meagre as poisoning. I would want you very much aware of the fact that you were going to die....." He pauses.
"Perhaps you'd be bloodied and locked in a basement somewhere. Then I'd kill you, probably by lighting you on fire or dismembering." He steals a glance at me.
"I'd make sure Mikhail was watching too."

I drop the glass, suddenly remembering what i heard him say last night.
"I think I'll just go to bed." I take my leave only to be dragged back.
"I didn't say you could leave, I'm pretty sure that we have a baby to make."

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