Ellie? | 05

196 5 2

Returning from my trip and back to the she devil was something i dreaded. Leaving the warmth of my love along with peace of mind and leaping into the arms of a cold person who never listened was the biggest issue i had at hand.

I see my house come into view and i pinch the bridge of my nose.
My phone pings.

Princess: Are you home now.
Me: Yes.
Princess: okay, take care. Don't let her stress you too much.
Me: about that..we have to start texting in Russian. I don't want her to know about this.
Princess: okay but why.
Me: it could jeopardise things and i don't feel the need to explain myself to her.
Princess: sure, love you.
Me: love you more.

Putting the phone down i huff. The car comes to a halt in front of my manor.
I get out of the car, approaching the entrance i see her and a damn dog.

"I don't like animals in my house." I tell her.
"A fucking Pomeranian bothers you? I should've gotten a golden retriever."

The dog was small, very small it looked like a toy but annoyed me none the less.
"You didn't ask if you could harbour an animal here."
"I don't need your permission to do things. What else, I'll ask your permission to get my hair done?"

I huff in annoyance.
"You're driving me up a cliff."
"-and I won't stop until you've been thrown over the edge."

She walks past me and a man follows her. I don't recognise him, i grab him and pull him back, he stumbles because i caught him off guard.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask the man.
"That's my body guard."
"Why? I hardly think you're worth the trouble."
"Says the man that agreed to marry a person he didn't know because of money.....Mikhail, let's go."
"You didn't know me either."

She pauses and slightly looks over her shoulder "Hmm, but it's not the same is it?"

She walks away holding her dress, it's pink... a colour I despise on any other person than her.
"What did i say about brightly coloured clothes?"

She doesn't reply me but goes straight to the elevator, it wouldn't kill her to use the stairs would it?

(A/N: yes, yes it would.)


Finishing up some documents in my room, i head down stairs.
It just occurred to me that today was Sunday, i was supposed to have dinner with her.
I close my eyes and sigh in exasperation, i go to knock on her door after i get ready but Mikhail opens it. I look past his shoulder and to the woman sleeping on the bed.

From her exposed shoulders, i could see she wore a camisole.

"What were you two doing?" I ask. "Answer me with honesty."
"Nothing sir, we did nothing." He says firmly.

I won't deny it, he's a good looking fellow.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm mixed but i lived most of my life in Nigeria, my mother is Russian and my dad is Congolese."
"Hmm..." I look down at him. "Wake her up, tell her to get ready. We're supposed to have dinner together."
"Yes sir."

I close the door but I don't shut it. From the corner i see him waking her up, I watch their exchange and i see them go into the bathroom together. He comes out a few seconds later and stands at the door, waiting on her.

I leave deciding that it wasn't worth watching.

The chef had already laid various dishes out on the table, i take my seat waiting for her to come down.
She struts in, the signature clicking of her heels alerting me of her presence.
She takes a seat beside me and we begin eating. The air around us is stiff, I'm too afraid to even breathe near her but i still feel the need to aggravate her further.

She picks up a glass of wine, a very strong one and drinks it halfway.
"I didn't realise that you were an alcoholic too."
She glares at me, clutching the glass so hard it shattered.

She doesn't seem phased by the red liquid seeping into her clothes or the shards of glass lodged in her palm.

She drops what was left of the glass, that being a stem and a broken upper part.
She picks out the shards of glass from her palm, dropping them onto a napkin, cleaning her hand with another she throws it down and walks away, Mikhail follows her like a loyal dog.

I've lost my appetite so i stand and follow behind, careful not to give my presence away.
I see them from a corner.

She's hastily walking away and he chases after her eventually jogging to keep up with her speed walking.

"Miss Eliana, Eliana please." He reaches her.
"Please Miss, let me see."
He stands in front of her, crouching to her height. He runs his palm on her forearm but before interlacing his fingers with hers.

He brings the affected hand to his view. "Let's put these in bandaids." He offers pulling her only for her to snap her hand back, she remains standing and doesn't move from the spot she is.

"No." Her voice is heavy and is one from a person that holds back tears.
"Ellie.." He crouches down again. "Ellie please."
He begs, even going as far as caressing her face. "You haven't eaten well, fuck that- you don't eat well, you've been sick for days too."

He pauses, Eliana's shoulders are no longer tense. "Don't let him put you in a bad state, Ellie please do that for me."

I see them walk away to the elevator.

"Ellie? When did those two get so friendly? I ask myself. "Whatever, at least she has a friend who likes to curse as well...."

(A/N: Roman is 6'11 and a lot of his family are tall, two members being 7'0+ so when the manor was being built, it was constructed with tall people in mind. It's very difficult for Eliana as she can't get to a lot of things and that makes her wear heels all the time.

Mikhail is freaking 6'5 and there's no one shorter than 6'0 in that house (staff inclusive). It was a criteria for being hired, Roman hates looking down on people as it stresses his neck, so the less down he has too look down on the better, and then there's his wife.
Freaking 5'6.)

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