Lies, Liars and Secrets | 10

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Wide Awake ~ Katy Perry
....... Thunder rumbling
Castles crumbling
I am trying to hold on.....

After leaving the room in rage, i find my feet taking me to Lomonosov's office. I stop in front of the door, i realise that if i open my mouth to say anything it would end in tears.

I'm already disheveled and crying as it is. I'm an ugly crier so I wouldn't want anyone to see me like that.
I turn around, my head down as i try to think of what next I should do. I walk quickly, i wasn't much of a slow walker so it wasn't that difficult to keep up with myself.

Turning round a corner i smack into something. I look up to see him. He's on the phone with someone. Taking a look at me he tells the person on the other line that he would call them later.
I clench my jaw, balling up my hands into fists before making to move past him. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me back, the sudden action makes me loose my footing and sprain my ankle.

I want to cry but i avoid blinking and the tears pool up in my eyes. He stares at me intently, trying to search my face for any signs of anything.
I smack his hands away and try to get to the elevator. It was only when i tried walking again i realised the severity of the injury my ankle suffered.
I limp all while trying to walk properly. I hear his foot steps approaching causing me to try to walk quicker despite the pain.

He is probably enjoying this. I'm too close to stairs, what if he pushes me and i hit my head?
I'm picked up off my feet as he carries me to the elevator.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." I demand trying to get down from him.
"I'm sorry." He says. Just that simple word, sorry. It could fix a lot of things, but this....this was damage beyond instant repair.
Both for my ankle and what ever trust i had in him. All gone, vanished into thin air.

"If i broke something i should at least get the chance to fix it." He says holding onto me tighter. "So please stop moving, you'll fall."

I'm carried to the infirmary. The doctor wasn't on seat so he took care of it himself.
If someone saw him now, perhaps they would think 'he's a good man, taking responsibility for his actions.' But what i saw was a green two headed snake that lay waiting in green grass for any unfortunate fellow to walk past it.

He finishes up bandaging my ankle. He had applied some heat and ice therapy to it previously.

"You stare at me like you would like to speak to me. You were heading to my office what did yo-."
"Mikhail, get Mikhail for me." I ask looking outside the window. I didn't want to speak to nor hear the voice of this deceiver.

He exhales giving a nod and leaving.
I hear the door click and i immediately burst out in tears. Whether i liked it or not, i was trapped and there wasn't fuck all i could do about it.

Mikhail barges in a few minutes later guided by Lomonosov. He leaves later and Mikhail kneels by my bed, searching my body.
"Ellie, Ellie. Baby tell me what happened." He sounds worried. I explain everything and Mikhail just looks more pissed.

"I wonder if that man has really done you any good." He sits on the bed, we share a moment of silence before i feel him brushing my mini twists out of my face. He leans in closer slowly, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I grip onto his shirt as he kisses the bridge of my nose and then my teary cheeks.

He stops. "Should i go further?" His whispering voice is very comforting so without thinking, i nod.
I feel his lips against mine. Unlike Lomonosov's kiss, his is gentle and sweet. It lacks lust and only contains love.

I like it, i like this kind. Why can't you be more like Mikhail mr Lomonosov?


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