Falling Out Of Love | 11

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I sit on the roof, I'm covered in a blanket as i drink from a beer can. I'm exhausted, i blink dazed. I get up and walk across the roof, i don't think it's a good idea to walk on somewhere so high while drunk but I couldn't care less.

Half of me was praying I'd loose my footing and fall, my ankle had barely healed up but sitting on the bed all day was driving me to certain insanity.

I look down, if i jumped how long would it take me to reach the ground?
I inch closer, perhaps I should just jump. It'll beat whatever methods Mr Lomonosov will try to kill me with.

I brace myself for the jump, just as i was about to launch myself over the edge i hear a voice.
"What are you doing?"
I turn to the direction of the voice.
It's a blonde girl, she's wearing a dress shirt. No one here is that stuck up so I realise that she might be Lomonosov's lover.

"Trying to jump."
"Why?" She stands to her full height, she's just a bit taller than i am.
"I like your hoodie, where'd you get it?" She says pointing to my clothes.
"Oh, its-it's from Nike. The leggings and hat too. My shoes are from new balance."
I was clad in Nike from head to toe.

"You look really nice for someone who's about to commit suicide." She smiles putting out her half smoked cigar.
Those are the brand Mr Lomonosov's usually patronises.

"You're his girlfriend aren't you?"
"You must be his wife."

"Yep." We say simultaneously, in our drunken and high haze we laugh from the awkwardness. There isn't any hostility from both of us, just sheer amusement.

"Well your boyfriend is driving me insane." I smile, drinking what was left of my beer.

"Hmmm, he did that to me too. You look really pretty, i like your braces." She compliments.

She's really high. I disturbing have any braces in.
"You too, your hair looks immaculate." I say, her hair was half slicked back, like Ariana Grande's but without the ponytail.

"Wow, Mr Lomonosov must have a fetish for black women." I stare at the dark skinned beauty. "Where are you from?"

"Barbados." She reaches a hand out to me, i take it and sit beside her.
"How'd you two meet?" I ask her.

"Oh, i spilled coffee on him. He had some investment issues in my country and i was a waitress, i was supposed to serve him but i was out of my funk that day. Fell and poured hot coffee all over his dick."

We burst out laughing.
"Oh my god, what the fuck?!" I cackle. "And then what happened? "
"Almost got fired but instead he invited me over to his place, one thing led to another and i was bent over a kitchen island."

"Wow." I say, I'm not pissed. "I met him the day we got married." I pause. "Ion' know shit about him."

"You're nothing like he described you as." She starts. "I often imagined a woman who was always angry and unhinged."

"Damn, he treats me like shit and goes to slander my name."
"Treats you like shit?"
"Yep, he's planning on cheating me out of everything i own and then probably killing me if I refuse."
Her face contorts into one of shock.

The wind picks up causing us both to shiver.
"Fuck! i hate the weather here." She says.

"Me too, I'm from Nigeria, getting used to the weather here is still a work in progress."
"Wanna go inside?" She offers, rubbing her arms.
"Sure thing, we could raid the pantry."


I throw my car keys onto the tray where they were all kept. I hear someone laughing, one sounds like it's from Honey, the other is too unfamiliar.

I peek into the kitchen so see them.
Both the lady I married and the love of my life laughing. There's several open bottles of wine and beer cans as well along with a half finished box of chocolates and two cigar stubs.

I freeze, Honey was supposed to be upstairs.

"Honey what are you doing here?" I pick her up and hug her while looking at Eliana suspiciously. I didn't trust that bitch one bit.

She pushes me away. "I'm not quite ready to talk to you. Leave me alone first."
Her eyes are bloodshot and so is Eliana's.
I don't like Honey being this intoxicated, she has a bit of a drinking and smoking problem so i drag her out of the place.

Pulling her into my office, i seat her down on the sofa. "I thought you were supposed to be upstairs."

"Hmm." She slurs. "But i met her on the roof where she tried to kill herself." She's just speaking mindlessly now.

"Kill herself?"
"Yep." She pops the P. "Says that you're planning on killing her."
Honey sits up, her hair all over her face. "Why? She isn't a bad person and you said you were just going to help her, why are you trying to cheat her out of everything she owns just because she's helpless?"

I close my eyes. "I didn't make that decision." I crouch near her, removing some hair from her lips.

"But you can out rule it. Why are you trying to kill her?"
"I just don't like her."
"You sound like a child!" She turns to face me sharply. "Poor kid is terrified of you, she's just a kid. Younger than us both and you're driving her mad. Surely if you don't kill her she'll end up in an asylum."

"A twenty year old is not a kid."
"You're turning 31 and she just turned 20. You're eleven years her senior dammit!"
"Honey, you're high and drunk."
"So what if i am? You know I'm telling the fucking truth."

"Honey, please don't curse."
"Motherfucker go buy headphones, although I doubt they'll fit around your thick skull."

She storms out my office and comes back with her bag.
"Where are you going?"
"Home." Her arms fall to her sides in defeat. "I just wanted to break up with you. I can't keep up with you, not like this, not with your way of life."
She lets out a teary sigh. "You leave, I'm never sure if you'll come back. You don't call often and i don't know fuck all about what's going on."

"You're bluffing, you'll fuck me then break up with me how does that work?" I calm down blowing air out my cheeks. "Honey, you're drunk. Just sleep this one off okay?"

"No, I've been wanting to break up with you for a while. My miscarriage just helped me make up my mind. I don't want this anymore. Is it wrong to fall out of love with someone?"

"Honey, please." My voice sounds choked. "Let's not make any rash decisions."
"Nope, I'm done, done with you, done with this life." She picks up her suitcase. "You are a closed chapter in my life so remain that way."

She walks past me and back into my office. She opens a drawer and takes out three bundles of cash.
"I'll consider these the payment for the damages you've done to me. And this-." She takes out another three. "Transport money."

She walks past me, grabbing her jacket.

"Bye babe."

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