Stupid Girl | 07

407 11 4

REASON ~ Omah Lay

......... what is the reason you do not have your own peace of mind
Are you having fun or are you doing this thing to survive?
Are you taking the pictures of every memories of your life?
What the reason why you're still out here?........

Mikhail had changed the sheets and even the mattress along with a few other things that got soaked when i was having an episode.

He crouches down to my height offering me tea, I don't like tea but i drink it either way knowing that it came from a good place.

"Ellie, you're cold." He touches my skin. "Too cold. Should i run a bath or something?"

He's very gentle with his words and his actions. This type of person was one who was better suited for gentle work than the life threatening job that he took up on my behalf.

He caresses my face, his hands are soft and warm~ a huge contrast to Lomonosov's coarse and cold ones.
His mannerisms too.

"How's your headache?" He asks feeling my forehead.
"It's fine, it kind of just stopped."
I wasn't lying, it dissipated when Mikhail came around, i was no longer on edge and everything that made me scared no longer could reach me.

"That's good." He gives a breathy chuckle, i smile too. This is the first time in weeks that we had spoken. After Lomonosov's order for him to distance himself, he wouldn't spare me anything more than a grunt or a stiff nod in acknowledgment, he also went back to honorifics.

"You must be tired." I tell him, it was currently three in the morning. "Stay with me, just for tonight."

"Mr Lomonosov will be pissed, he could also walk in on us." He scratches the back of his head.

"We're not doing anything." I finish the last of the teacup's content. "Even if we did, I'd hardly harbour any's not like he isn't cheating."

I mumble the last part.


I fall asleep easily, with the constant torment that Lomonosov has put me through in the last few weeks, this would mark the most amount of sleep i had gotten in a good while.

When i woke up, Mikhail was gone. It's not like I expected him to still be here so I wasn't hurt, just happy that I found a way to beat my insomnia.

While getting ready for the day i hear someone barge in. From the corner of my eye i see Lomonosov's figure. I say nothing but put on the second of my hoop earrings.

"So... he slept here, with you?"
He wasn't worth the breath i would waste on him.
I grab my bracelets and discard my wedding ring into the tray, showing him that I didn't regard it anymore specifically than the ones i got at Tiffany and co.

"Wear your ring." He commands.
"No." I fix my eyeliner.

I might've gotten out of going anywhere with him last night but I couldn't escape it this morning.
"Why? I'm wearing mine."
"You do you i guess." I apply lipgloss.

"That makes you look childish." He clicks his tongue.
"Nit picking at my clothing and makeup choices are a bit childish for a forty year old man." I say spritzing some perfume.
"I'm thirty." He retorts.

"Same thing grandfather."
"Don't call me that."
"The grey streaks in your hair beg to differ."

Was it grey? It looked pretty light so it appeared to be so.

I moisturise my hair which was now in mini twists , it was cold out so it wouldn't frizz up. I smile at my reflection, proud of my look but proudest at my hair.
I see him fumbling with his hair and I swallow a laugh.

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