Shattered Things |02

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I look outside, men... that's all as far as my eyes could see. Not just men, armed men.
Men who's faces tell their lack of innocence, their scars tell how many lives had been lost to them.

'Filthy bastards, all of them.' The ring on my hand clinks as it makes contact with the champagne flute. I bring it to my lips, looking at the sofa there is my discarded wedding dress.

After asking around last night like a fool i found out that my Monster's name was Roman.
I go back to sit on the bed, thinking everything over.
I begin to sulk, feeling nothing but self pity.

'Why dad, why did you have to dip your hands in such messy business, why did you leave me to that man?" I question silently.

I decide that i can't sit here and sulk forever and i feel a burst of determination flow through me. I shower and do what i would typically do in the morning.

Roman and I didn't stay in the same room but to keep up appearances we stayed on the last floor, we shared a hallway together.

I slip on my abaya.

(Quick Note: Eliana is of Nigerian descent, her mother is Fulani/ Hausa and her father is Igbo. An abaya in this case is formally/ informally known as a 'bubu' dress. Look it up on Pinterest 'African abaya styles or African bubu dress.' They're so fucking classic.)

I spritz on some perfume and straighten my sew in, it was coiled yesterday. I wear my leather slippers and walk out of my room.
I immediately realise that this house can be likened to a castle, there are too many twists and turns.

I find my way regardless and make it into the kitchen. I am the only woman here, in about two hectares of land. I am the only female.
Whatever sense of superiority i hoped to have dissipates.

I see men all in tactical gear and guns laying on the table, piled up as the men drink and laugh. They don't notice my presence, for some reason i don't want them to but i find it unavoidable as i reach out onto the island to pick an apple.

The men become alert at a jewellery and bracelet clad hand reaching out to get something from in between them. They sit up, some standing at attention at my presence.

"Miss." One says fully on high alert.
"Forgive our rudeness and noise." The one speaking was well advanced in age.
"I'm captain Gusev, head of the guard."

He brings out his hand for a handshake. I do so smiling at him.
"You look amazing miss, it's about time we had a queen." He brings my hands to his lips and places a kiss on them. "If you ever need anything, we're all just a yell away."

I immediately feel at ease, the warm welcome from the men easing out a knot formed in my stomach.
I don't intend to be overtly friendly with them but i intend to have an approachable relationship with them.

The chef offers me something to eat, telling me he spent all week learning about my food preferences and how to prepare dishes from my home country.

"I was told you prefer fish and chicken to beef and would only eat beef if prepared in certain ways."

I nod, that was true. My hatred for red meat started as a teenager after i ate some that were past their prime at a local market. I had some food poisoning and my father ordered i no longer be given beef unless he supervised its cooking.

I could only eat suya because my mom snuck it in for me. Other than that i could only eat it in soups but i still had a fear for them.

The man uncovers the bowl of pepper soup and catfish.
"Thank you." I smile at him. I had been having serious issues with eating ever since my dad fell sick, this would be the first time in months i finished a plate of food.

I excuse myself to the guest bathroom to wash out the fish taste from my mouth. I hated the smell of fish on my breath and I really liked having fresh breath all the time.

I go back to the dining room to pick up my phone from the table only to see Mr please-kiss-my-ass being served some white slop with a leaf on it and some bread on the side.

I go to find my phone where i dropped it only to see that it was there in his hands, not only that but fucking shattered.

I stomp to him, yanking the strangely unlocked device in his hands.
"How the hell did you open my phone?"
"I am a man of many talents." He says eating the gross looking thing.

"I don't care, stay away from my things." I change the password immediately.
"Why were you looking through my photos?"
He gives no reply, the only noises being from his spoon hitting the plate.

"Answer me god dammit." I demand.
"I owe you no explanation, why do you have so many nudes?" He says. "Also change out of those horrid clothes, bright colours don't suit you."

I look down at my dress. "You are one hell of a perverted bastard and if my clothes bother you, you can wear your ass in the place of a hat."

"You cuss a lot." He says, his voice flat and lacking emotion.
"Well you nag a lot for a man."

I give the phone back to him after wiping a lot of things from it and taking my SIM card .
"I'll be needing a new one."
"We can replace the screen."
"And the back glass? No, i want a new one. The latest model. Today, Mr Lomonosov."

I walk off, heading back to my room, I'll be damned if i spend another second with that prick.
I go upstairs looking through the half filled closet. I had a lot of monotonous things but i take a mental note to fill the rest with things so brightly coloured he'll crawl up into a hole and die from frustration.

I pull out my laptop and go to my balcony, i see the guard i sent to buy me a new phone.
Opening up the MacBook i chuck it down stairs.
An angry Roman looks up at me.

"Get me a new one as well and in a colour that doesn't attract fingerprints and if i don't like it I'll break it!" I yell from the upstairs.

If he's going to be gasoline I'll gladly be a lighter.

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