Compromise |09

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His words ring through my ears.

"W-what the-, get off me." I try standing up.
"Correction, you're the one who is on me."
"And whose fault is that?" I flail trying to release myself from his grip.

He turns us over, effectively pinning me to the sofa with my hands behind my back.
He presses into me, it's hard to deny how hard he feels.
"Deny it or not, the topic of sex gets you flustered." He pauses, i see him from the corner of my eye. He leans down into my ear.
"Tell me, are you a virgin?"

I haven't exactly had the opportunity to have sex in my life.

"No, i have experience." I say in defence to my supposed small mindedness.
Lies, I hadn't even had my first kiss yet.

"So you wouldn't mind this then."

He kneels upright, his hold on me making me also kneel upright all while being tightly pressed to his back.
He holds me by my neck and kisses me.

It isn't a casual kiss either, I think I responded in a good way.
I kissed him back......
He tasted like whiskey with hints of smoke, on a regular that should be a disgusting blend but I couldn't help but like it ~ for now.
Tomorrow I'm sure I'd probably kill myself but right now I'm taking it all without a hint of care in the world.

I feel one of his hands let go off me and touch my thigh, slowly sliding up and underneath my robe.
I don't know whether to stop him because subconsciously this was something i also wanted.

I hadn't touched myself in weeks. I'm guessing I spoiled myself as well because i was mostly used to vibrators. I couldn't order anything because;
First, this place didn't exactly have an address.
Second, anything that comes in, even food would be throughly searched.
~ it wasn't a pretty picture, having guards ransack a package you received only for it to be an entire arsenal of toys. I'd just crawl into a hole and die from embarrassment.

I peek my eyes and the first thing they land on is a mirror ~ one conveniently placed at an angle i could see us both.
His cheeks are hollowed out, like all those actors in movies who kiss their partner like their life depended on it.

I never thought I'd be kissed like that. It was only something that i could dream of. Knowing men and their reality, it also meant that i was preparing myself for years of failed relationships and most definitely bad sex, there was no rush.

For some reason, seeing someone that i harboured a certain level of hatred for, kissing that, made me feel self pity.
It's either he's drunk or desperate, he seemed off...too off.
He'd have more to say, he'd aggravate me, he'd pick at everything i did but not today, almost like he ran out of fuel.
I feel him leave my lips and focus on my neck.

It was pitiful being someone's last resort, why was i his last resort?~ i feel him sucking and biting at my neck. The same man who warned me about expecting any intimacy was here, expecting me to just do as he asked.
I push him off.
I wasn't willing to be a 'mistake' by tomorrow morning.

"Good night," I fix my robe that was practically undone, only my hands holding it from exposing me completely. "Just.....just get some sleep."

I leave him, he looks disheveled as he throws his head back over the sofa, blowing air out his cheeks.
I was happy I stopped it, this was all but a fleeting moment, one I'd be regretting the most among us both.


I wake up to the sound of glass clinking. I see Mikhail bringing in some breakfast in a tray.
I turn my head to the side as i feel the bed dip underneath someone's weight.

"Hey, Ellie..." He calls out to me.
"Hmm?" I half assed sleepily.
"I brought food, you didn't get to eat anything last night."
I sit up, helping myself to some mint water from my carafe.
I look over my shoulder to see him spreading some jam on wheat bread.
I sit fully on the bed, taking the single slice from him.

"What happened last night?" He asks stirring some coffee and offering it to me.
"Between you and Lomonosov?" He looks worried, i easily identify it as worry and not stupid jealousy.
"Nothing, nothing happened."

"You have bruises on your neck." He says touching one.
I don't bruise too easily so those hickeys tagged a lot of dedication and expertise behind them.
"Leave it." I tell him. "It's fine. Help me get my laptop and come eat with me, this food is enough for an army."

He gives me a look but gets my laptop from my office conjoined to my closet.
I open it, i just asked him for it. I didn't know what i was supposed to do with it.

"Wait, Mikhail." I call out to him. He turns around and comes closer. I reach into my bedside table and pull out a photo copy of yesterday's documents.
"Please, read this for me." I hand them to him.
I leave to take a quick shower and get ready for the day.
He reads them out and translates them, there's no difference to what i was told yesterday but then he gets to a last clause.
"Wow, this part is so small I didn't see it." He chuckles.
"What does it say?" I sit on the bed again.

He pales. "It''s a compromise." He looks up at me. "A compromise to your life and your assets."
"W-what?" I kneel upright so i could look into the document.

It was hidden, too expertly hidden even an eagle couldn't spot it.
It was written in a sort of code.
The 'clause' was separated onto each side of the page. I thought it was a margin but no, it was a code. One they left out, thinking I wouldn't figure it out.

He reads through it. According to him, some of the words were written backwards and couldn't be understood at first look.
He finishes, staring at me.
"You just signed half your wealth, at least what will remain of it once it's been sorted out to Lomonosov and that wasn't the amount agreed upon by him and Mr Ebuka."

"You said there was a compromise to my life."
"Yes, it says that on the occasion you understand or you catch on what they're doing and you refuse to relinquish your 'part of the deal' they'll kill you.. I heard Lomonosov's mother say it yesterday~ they'll kill you regardless. You've already signed your own death sentence."

I look at him, what the hell did i just get myself into.
To think, I felt sorry for that bastard yesterday, to think ~ I thought he was warming up to me.

I felt stupid, fuck at this point i was probably the epitome if foolishness and stupidity.

"What do we do?" Mikhail questions, just as lost as i was.

I march out of the room, he'll wish he didn't fuck with me, I don't care how I'd do it.
I just know i would.

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