Count your losses |17

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Six months later.............

"Miss Eliana." There's a tap on my office door. "You have a meeting with him in 20."

"Thank you Vivian." I sign a contract and hand it over to an intern who scurries away excitedly. It has been a while since i saw Lomonosov last. We typically handled business through a mediator, I'm guessing it wasn't worth the trouble for him to fly all the way to New York from Russia every now and again.

I would finally be getting my oil plant back, i reapply my lipgloss as i think back to the past few months. When i got full control of this sector of my dad's business, i made a shit ton of terrible decisions.
I was at my absolute wits end but luckily my dad's old assistant came out of retirement for me.
He was my mentor and taught me what i failed to learn when my father was still alive.

The business grew well although the bank loans spoke for themselves, I'd also have my womanly charms to thank. Sometimes all it takes is a little cleavage to get men to sign away their life's work.

I make my way to the conference room, reaching for the door handle i give myself a little pep talk. I open it up to see Lomonosov in all his asshole glory looking out the window.

"Heard this place was going to shit." He turns around and drinks from the glass of scotch on the table. "Not that I expected anything less from you."

There was no emotion in his tone except the subtle hints of mockery.
"I don't have the time for your dumb moments of poetic justice. Where are the ownership documents for my oil company?"

"About that..." He takes a seat. "It's a bit complicated."
"I fail to see how that concerns me."

"Well, you see. Mrs Lomonosov." He gets up and approaches me, turning me around to face him who is now behind me. "I have it here, yes. But I can't give it back to you."

"Fucking hell. Spare me the bullshit."
His arm wraps around my waist, the other one caressing my hip.

"You owe me something."
"I don't owe you anything."
"Financially, no you don't but maritally you owe me a lot. And whether or not you get your oil plant back is fully dependent on if you can pay." 

He pulls me closer.
"We're not married anymore." I explain to him.

"Ah, but we once were." He sits and pulls me so his face rests in the crook of my neck.

"What do i owe you?" I snap impatiently.
"An heir."

"What the...?" I push him away. "Our marriage contract had nothing of the sort."

"No princess, no it didn't ." He whips out a document and i grab it from him. "But my council insists that i procreate with the heiress of another powerful mafia. In simple terms, yours specifically. Either that or the oil plant goes up in flames....literally."

I read through the document. I know that the council is an entirely different entity from his mafia and they beat him to it. They repossessed my oil plant from Mr Joseph first along with the rest of my assets before he had a chance to buy them back, the endgame was to get us remarried and use me as basically a breeding tool, merging our wealth and leaving me with nothing on the occasion i divorce him again before that happens.

In other words, they want to baby trap me.

"If i don't?" I question, looking up at the man who just poured another glass of scotch.
"Well.....they're with a whooping 70% of your assets. You'll be ruined because this company can't survive on it's own."
He downs the entire glass. "Count your losses now."

It was a hard truth.... I had taken out bank loans in hopes that once i got my remaining assets back I'd pay them off.

"This.....this has to be a joke." I scan through them again, trying to find some loop.
"You did this, didn't you?"

"You're smarter than i thought........ welcome to reality goddess." He pulls out the ring again, one I never wished to see.
There was no way to link the actions of the council to him, i was trapped. Caught between a rock and a hard place.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I drop my arms in defeat. "What have i done to you? You don't even know me well and you think that I'm deserving of all the bad things you do to me?"

"Sorry goddess." He makes me look up at him. "I'm just a man of extreme pride."

I pay attention to his features now. His green eyes seem to be deeper, almost resembling that of a snake with the gold flecks in them. He's also gone back to being blonde.

"So, what do you say?" He twirls the ring in his hand. "I'm a busy man and I was asked to bring you back or the oil plant will be making headlines tomorrow." 

I feel my eyes gloss over. I didn't have a choice, this or be roped into a debt I couldn't pay.

"Good." He holds me by my nape and crashes his lips against mine, backing me up before grabbing a handful of my ass.
I don't know for how long we kissed but i felt him slip the ring back on my finger.

I hear the door open.

"Get the hell off her!"

That voice slaps me back to reality......Mikhail's.

"You're just in time." Lomonosov gives a sly grin. "We're getting married."
He holds up my hand.

Mikhail is relentless. "What kind of blackmail is that? What did you threaten her with?"

Lomonosov is silent, he looks down at his phone for a brief moment and it happens all too quickly. In a similar fashion in which he killed his lawyer, i see Mikhail drop down as well.

The scream that leaves my lips is silenced my Lomonosov's mouth.

I try to push him off but I'm held immobile. It doesn't stop my crying in any way.
"Shut the fuck up!" He demands, squeezing my face. "Would you rather i shove my cock down your throat?" He shoots Mikhail again but not before closing my mouth with his hand.

The end of his gun is still smoking, he presses it to the top to my wrist, burning a circle into it. I close my eyes and since my mouth is shut i can only give muffled cries of pain.

The next hour goes on a haze for me. My uncontrollable tears, some people coming in to get rid of Mikhail's body and Lomonosov deciding that we were to get married in The Vatican City so we could never get a divorce just because Mikhail pissed him off.

I look out the window of his plane, he's sitting right beside me.
I could only pray that Mikhail was alive but knowing the nature of those men, Mikhail was as good as dead, it made fresh tears fall and heart ached knowing that the last thing he saw was Lomonosov practically sucking my face off.

"He must've had some magic dick."
I turn back to see Lomonosov looking at me while toying with my silk press.

"Didn't they tell you it was rude to touch a black woman's hair without her permission."
"I didn't think I neede—"
"Well you do! You're not special so keep your hands to yourself."
"But if it were Mikhail—"
"Yeah! You're right, if Mikhail were here I'd let him."
I huddle further onto the seat and rest my forehead on my knees. I had cried so much until i was dehydrated and had no more tears to shed.
I feel myself falling asleep, the fatigue of all the stress i had been facing in the past few months coming to catch up with me but they don't stop my thoughts from forming.

You were wrong dad, this man is the worst thing that ever happened to me.

All the bad things {18+}Where stories live. Discover now