No Place Like Home

Start from the beginning

“You know I’ve been here almost three days now and you’ve never let me into your room. Is there something you’re trying to hide in there?” He tried to look past her but she forced herself through the gap and pulled the door shut behind her.

“No, there’s not.” She looked up at him with a weak smile and he looked slightly bemused.

“So why can't we go in there?”

“Because that bed is bigger.”

“It doesn’t really matter we only take up half of it anyway.” He smirked a little.

“Don’t you give me that look.” She shook her head.

“What look?”

“That smarmy look you get when you think you’re right.”

“Well, I think I am right.”

“Everyone thinks they’re right if they thought they were wrong then that would be kind of pointless.”

“Why are you getting so defensive?”

“I don’t know!” She leant her head back against the door. “I don’t know I guess I just thought it was quite personal. And maybe a little embarrassing.”

He stepped in closer so that his body was pressed against hers. “Weren’t you the one who told me to just be me? Why can't you do the same?”

“This is hardly the same thing I am an open book compared to you.”

He smirked again. “I guess you’re all talk Granger.”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head at him. “I don’t think I’ve seen much in that respect from you Malfoy.” She narrowed her eyes and he smiled.

“Please?” He said gently.

With another roll of her eyes she turned the brass doorknob and opened the door with a flick of her light switch.

Draco stepped inside and took a good look.

The floors were hardwood and there was only a bed, a dresser and a desk, the room was remarkably clean. There was a pile of old textbooks in one corner. Draco recognised the classic Hogwarts: A History from back in first year sitting by the bottom and the newer ones at the top. His old books were probably collecting dust somewhere but hers looked like they had been adjusted and read through many a time since they had been required.

He took a few more steps in and looked around a little more. There were pictures set up on her dresser. One of her and her parents with her acceptance letter, this one was a muggle photograph; all of the others were proper pictures. There was one with them; it must have been a few years back though. There was a picture of their little fight club from fifth year with all of them in it. Draco could see Luna at the front of it smiling like she was having such a good time. They were all smiling like that.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now