Chapter Forty-nine

Start from the beginning

"'Course I do," Jonah simply says. He looks over his shoulder at me with a smile, and I can't help but smile back at him. Until Freddie breaks our moment with a groan.

"Ugh. I was prepared to hate this, but you guys are actually cute," Freddie says, pretending to gag. "Can't believe I'm saying that about my legally wedded wife flirting with another guy."

"Oh my God, shut up," I beg, hiding my face in mortification, but Jonah only chuckles. I'm glad he finds this bizarre situation hilarious.

Breakfast goes on without a hitch—as you would expect when a professional is the one cooking in the kitchen. There's always magic in the way Jonah always manages to turn simple ingredients into something amazing. Even Freddie agrees.

"I know we're seeing our divorce lawyers today, but I'm going to propose something so outrageous," Freddie says. I don't really like the tone of his voice, so I prepare myself for whatever's coming out of his mouth next. He turns to Jonah, pointing his fork at him. "Just hear me out. What if—what if—you just move in with us here. I don't mind third-wheeling you guys as long as I get to have you as my personal chef. Just think about it."

"Do not listen to him," I tell Jonah.

"I'm serious. These eggs are so... soft. How do you do that?"

"I'll keep the offer in mind," Jonah says to Freddie, ignoring me. I throw my hands up in exasperation. He continues on, "When are the lawyers coming?"

Freddie can't be physically caught visiting a divorce attorney's office, so they're coming here instead. He answers, "In a couple hours. I told them I'd like to be done before lunch. We're just gonna have a talk, you know—figure out what steps we need to take, discuss what we agreed on the prenups, et cetera. We'll also need to see my publicist after, so we can announce our separation before it gets leaked on freakin' The Daily Mail or whatever."

"Will you tell them about the," Jonah pauses, makes a face, then points at himself, "the elephant in the room?"

"No," Freddie and I simultaneously say.

"We don't wanna complicate stuff," I tell him.

"Minimize the potential of stories leaking," Freddie adds. "The less people know about this... situation... the better."

"... Okay."

"Besides, you're kinda irrelevant, in the grand scheme of things. No offense," Freddie says to Jonah. "We were always gonna get divorced with or without you in the picture."

Jonah purses his lips, biting an amused smile. "Cool."

"But that means you guys will also need to keep this on the down low for a bit longer," Freddie adds. "You're a public figure, too, Jonah. Maybe your target demographic is a bit niche, but you get recognized while you're out with Hannah, then people start to notice that she bears a lot of resemblance to Jo Archer..." He grimaces. "Did you hear about that one YouTuber who got caught cheating on his wife with his employee, like, last year? Even people who never watched their stuff were weighing in on the situation all over the internet. I don't want Hannah to get caught up in any of that."

I shudder. "Oh, I genuinely didn't even think of any of that."

"Okay. I get it. I'll be careful" Jonah nods, then turns to me with a small smile. "Fleeting moments."

I sigh. "Fleeting moments."

Freddie looks back and forth between us, but doesn't comment on it.

Jonah says, "I'm fine with it. I'm not really the put-my-personal-life-on-Instagram kind of guy either, so that's not a problem."

"Yeah, you only ever post stuff about your cookbooks and your restaurant."

"Stalked my Instagram?" he teases me, and I shrug with a smile.

"So. That's it, I guess?" Freddie concludes. "Anything else we should talk about? Jonah, you got any question?"

"Oh, I do," Jonah replies. "But that's a private conversation between us... for later."

Freddie grimaces. "Right."

"Boys." I roll my eyes.

Jonah simply smirks at me, then presses a kiss on my cheek. "You guys really sure about keeping me as Hannah's dirty little secret?"

"No, Jonah, you're not—"

"Dude, don't say it like that—"

"Relax, I'm kidding," Jonah grins. "This is so weird, right?"

I shake my head, a giggle starting to bubble out of me. Everything is so absurd and I'm losing it a little. "Tell me about it."

"But kinda exciting, no?" Freddie says, laughing when I stare at him like he's crazy. "Alright, I'm gonna go check in on the lawyers. They should be here in... ten minutes, I think. Jonah, thanks for cooking us something edible. Remember my offer, alright?"

Jonah nods at Freddie as he leaves the kitchen. Now there's just the two of us—and Lucy—and we both stare at each other for a while, until Jonah begins laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask him, even though I'm grinning myself.

"Everything," he chuckles. "He's cool."

"Uh-huh," I respond in amusement. "He's mostly stupid. That was how we interact with each other 90% of the time."

"And the other 10%?"

"Those odd days when he brings me out to the public, pretending like we're in love," I tell him honestly. I take his hand and bring it to my lips, pressing them against the warm pulse on his wrist. "You're still the one for me, Jonah. No doubt about that."

His thumb gently strokes the skin of my hand. He smiles softly. "I see that."

I really do hope that he saw what Freddie means to me from the way we interacted—how there's nothing but platonic love between us, exactly how it's always been since we ended our fling in college.

"I don't want him," I remind him, because I know that he needs it. I can see it flickering in his eyes. "I want you. Only you."

"I want you, too. But," he says, mouth tilting up slightly, "it's a really, really, really nice house. Look at this kitchen. Wow."

I burst out laughing.

"You sure you wanna give it up for me?" he teases.

"Never been more sure in my life," I say firmly, even with the smile on my face.

"If you say so." He drags our clasped hands toward himself and gives me a light kiss. "Love you."

"Love you, too," I say to him. "Now, let me go see the lawyers so I can legally leave my husband for you."

His laugh rings as I walk out of the kitchen, leaving him with Lucy as I prepare myself to meet the lawyers in Freddie's office.

Author's note: I tried to find as much info as I could about getting a divorce in the US but it's all very confusing 😂 but the journey is not over yet!!

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