Chapter 67

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"Man, all the new ones right now suck a*s~," Yuki said as he looks at his phone with a deadpan expression.
He's currently inside his bedroom, on his bed, lying down, while searching for a good "Anime" to watch.

He's been scrolling on his phone, searching for a good amount of time now.

But for some reason, all the "Anime" he had seen up to the current moment, didn't appeal to him at all.
Like, while looking at the cover, he didn't get that familiar 'Tingle'.

"Aah~ f*ck this."

So, thinking that he had no luck in finding a good Anime today, he decided to close the site and hop onto another 'site'...


But when he was about to press the button to close the site, like a diamond amongst rocks, a certain 'Anime' caught his attention.

"... holy~"

Yuki's eyes sparkled as he saw that particular "Anime".

For him, it somehow shouts nothing but perfection. From the art, the proportions, the animation, the description, and the fact that he hasn't seen it yet, everything is perfect indeed.

"Hehe, finally." Yuki muttered with a mischievous smile on his face as he pressed the play button of the Anime while simultaneously, reaching into a nearby cabinet, probably to take something out.


But unfortunately, just before he could start what he was planning to do... his phone rang.


Someone called him.

"Yo! Right here!"

Yuki, upon entering a certain restaurant, a loud voice rang. A voice that upon hearing it, immediately catches his attention.

Now it doesn't need some kind of genius to deduce that this voice belongs to someone he knows. That's why he didn't think much of it when he was prompted to come closer. 

As Yuki walked towards the source of the voice, the image of a man who seemed to be in his late 20s, wearing your typical salary man uniform, became more clearer.

"Jesus, you're still the same since I last saw you, Mishima," Yuki said in a teasing manner as he took the vacant seat in front of the man. "... It's like you didn't age at all."

"Come on now. You're making me blush."



Now this uptight-looking man in front of Yuki is known as Mishima, or at least that's his real name that not many of his friends know about... it's due to the fact that he met most of his friends Online, and other than his close ones, Yuki being one of them, he is only known by them as... Blue Planet, his IGN.

That's right, the same Blue Planet that Yuki used to play with back then in YGGDRASIL.

Well, as unfortunate as it is, Mishima already quit Playing YGGDRASIL a long time ago. He's one of the first batches of Players to stop playing the game due to various reasons. 

But even though he stopped playing YGGDRASIL, or probably just Playing games in general, his connection with some of the friends he made there didn't stop.

Every now and then, he would still talk to them, and catch up with some new happenings in each other's lives. Yes, he probably cannot meet most of them due to the difficulties of the situation, whatever it may be, but they all remain close up to this day. 

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