Chapter 31

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[ 5:59 ]


In a certain apartment, Yuki can be seen sleeping inside his unlit bedroom while drooling over himself.

He stayed up so late last night due to a particular in-game event that he need to finish as quickly as possible. Quickly as other Players that is, since it doesn't really need to be finished that fast actually. Yuki is just too paranoid of it having a secret bonus for the Player that managed to finish it first.

Though he didn't get one so he just kinda tired himself up for nothing.

So because of this, he got drained so hard. He's so tired that he didn't even take a shower or change clothes before going to bed, he just straight-up crash on his Bed then sleep after logging out on YGGDRASIL.




*FBI! OPEN UP! BOOOMM!!* (Alarm-Clock SFX)

But while he's in the middle of enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by hundreds of Anime Titties, a loud noise had suddenly rung close to him, startling the heck out of him, thus pulling him out of his imaginary bubble.

".... Uaah~ WHO DARES!?" As fast as Yuki can, he suddenly jumps out of the bed and puts a fighting stance while looking in every direction of his room.

While looking around, one can see from Yuki's face that half of his soul is still in the Dream realm as he looks like a drunken man.

After a moment of realization, Yuki dropped down his hand while sighing heavily.

"... Why did I ever think that putting that in the alarm is a good idea? Aissh~ dammit."


After ruffling his hair in annoyance and turning off the alarm, he closes his eyes again and slams his body back on the bed.

Right now, Yuki wants to do nothing but sleep and see hundreds of naked Onee-san engulfing his whole vision, and for him, nothing in this world can make him stop doing that right now.

Or so he thought, cause before he could even re-enter his Dream realm again, a gale of wind together with a sudden realization of today's activities had caused for his eyes to forcibly open again.

"... *Sigh* Right, today is the day."

After remembering the reason why he set up his alarm in the first place, though extremely annoyed, Yuki slowly stands up from the bed and proceeds to go out of the bedroom.

He actually didn't want to wake up yet, heck he will choose that 100 percent if today is just your everyday normal sad day, but he simply has no choice since he has an important thing to do today.

So he lazily drags himself inside the bathroom and splashed his face with some cold water to wake up his sleeping soul.

After he did that, finally awake, albeit looking half asleep, he finally walked outside the bathroom, ready to do the things he always does in the morning.

His everyday routine after waking up.

Masturb— Preparing Breakfast for himself.

After that, his morning-shower routine.

Then, he proceeds to eat his breakfast while watching some "Anime".

And last but not least, going towards his balcony to taste some fresh and slightly polluted air in the morning. Just to relax his mind, making it ready for the stress it'll take for the rest of the day.

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