Chapter 15

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(AN: Exhausting!!)

".. Huh? What are you saying, it's compl-"


They didn't even manage to finish what they're trying to say as Yuki bursted forward then immediately closes the gap between them, startling the two.

"... !!! What the—"

"... Hup!"

The moment when Yuki arrived in front of the two, he didn't waste any moment as he immediately pulls back his spear while casting a skill...

"... [ Overwhelm ]"

...then swing it in front with a big motion, capturing the two within his attack range.

The two were very surprised by this. They indeed expect Yuki to attack, but not so suddenly. They were caught off guard, but fortunately, not that much, that's why they both still managed to react when Yuki attacked.

"... DODGE!!" The Mage Player shouted so suddenly as a spell that he had already cast beforehand activated, making him disappear on his spot then reappear a few steps back.

The Mage Player managed to get out of Yuki's attack range instantly due to a short-range teleportation spell, but the Armored Player did not manage to get away as he simply just, can't.

With this kind of sudden attack, the Armored Player knows that he doesn't have any room to dodge, within this close distance and his low agility, he'll just get hit even if he tries. So that leaves him no choice but to meet Yuki's attack head-on.

"... Haa!" The Armored Player raised his sword in an attempt to parry Yuki's spear.


But the next thing that happened when
his sword met Yuki's glowing spear, betrayed all his expectations.

"... Eh?" At first, he questioned himself, why is he flying after he parried that Player's attack? But then, he immediately realized that he isn't flying. He was overwhelmed and got thrown away, violently...



The Armored Player bounced a couple of times on the ground before he finally manages to stop himself, though that only happened cause he crashed into a boulder of solid ice.

[ - 3 HP ]

"... You just caught me off gua—" The Armored Player had immediately stand up while saying something towards Yuki, but he didn't manage to do so as the moment he raised his head to look in front, he immediately saw a spear coming right towards his face.

"... Sh*t" He thought to himself, as he knows that he cannot dodge this nor block it.


But as Yuki thrust his glowing spear towards the Armored Player's face, intending to put him down already, he suddenly stopped midway as his 'gaming sense' tingled.

".. Oh no." It took him almost instantly to know why his senses tingled. Realizing what it is, he immediately leaps away, gesturing like he wants to avoid something.

"[ Maximize Penetrating Magic: Silver Lance ]"


And just as Yuki leaped away, a Tier Spell that may cause him some problems, flew past through his previous position and immediately hit a nearby boulder.

"... Be careful with that guy, he's also an Early Player like us, and probably, has higher stats and levels." Said by the Mage Player towards the Armored Player as he walks right next to him while eyeing Yuki that just landed from afar.

"... Ye thanks, I also noticed that." The Armored Player said sarcastically as he stands up then walk in front of the Mage Player.

"... But I think that it will be fine. I doubt that he can take the two of us at the same time, that's probably the reason why he's trying so hard to kill you. To separate us. Anyways. Let's just be more careful this time." The Mage Player said with a serious tone as he takes a stance.

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