Chapter 62

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[ Planning to hunt Raizel, anything to look out for when fighting him? ]

This is a question that is frequently asked by many on the [ Kill Raizel ] Wiki page. Sometimes the format is different but the overall goal of the question remains the same.

Which is normally answered by, "Watch out for his attacks, cause you'll get one shotted for sure.", if not that then, "Don't bring spell casters, they'll just end up as food for him". Etc.

Basically, the obvious stuff...

But those who truly met, fought, and died to Raizel over and over again would surely say the same thing when asked this question.

"His healing."

Which is pretty understandable. And others would surely agree no matter what answer they wrote down in this particular question.

Cause Attacks? Speed? Tankyness? All of this is manageable and is already a norm when dealing with big bosses.

But imagine how frustrating it is when your target, who is already extremely agile and can hit hard enough that even your tanks cannot take more than one hit, regenerates the damage you deal to him faster than you can follow up another attack.

Sure enough, there are spells that apply negative status effects that lower the effectiveness of things such as healing spells and skills, and normally, this is the obvious answer for dealing against Players such as Raizel but... when it comes to him, it is easier said than done really.

Cause not only does he have a ridiculously high Resist stat, which makes it harder for any casters to affect him with such spells or literally any spells that suggest conditions, but there are also his Silencing skills that outright render Casters useless the moment they enter within his vision.

He is branded as the Nemesis of the Spell Casters for a reason.

In any case, to make matters short, the entire community agrees that if you were to fight Raizel, you must first do something about his Healing. If you can't, then just find yourself a World Enemy and fight it instead, cause it will be much better than fighting that guy.

... So given all these facts, It's understandable why Bob, immediately did THAT.

[ Wrathful Dominion ], the skill that he immediately cast at the beginning of their battle, applies multiple Negative status effects in its targets, and one of those negative status effects, greatly reduces the effectiveness of any Healing and Regenerative spells and skills by a whopping 90 percent.

Clearly, a devastating blow for a player like Raizel who has a fighting style that heavily depends on his extreme regeneration.

However, as sad as it might be, 10 percent, in Raizel's personal opinion, would have been fine.

Given his high Battle adaptability, he would have found a way to make that 10 percent enough for a guy like Bob... Well, If not for the fact that [ Wrathful Dominion ], also applies a continuous damage effect to everyone that stands inside it, other than the Caster of course.

Making Raizel's remaining 10 percent regenerative capability, just enough to keep his HP still.

Also, Raizel has no way of getting rid of this Skill since Bob has a trait that bypasses all his Racial capabilities, rendering all his resistance useless. World Enemies can't be affected by things such as Crowd Controls as well. So he just has no choice but to wait for the Skill to end.

And to make it even worse as if it wasn't already, every attack that Bob makes, counts as True Damage. Meaning, that his attacks, ignore Raizel's defenses, directly damaging his HP altogether.

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