Chapter 26

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On a certain area in Helheim, a group of Players is currently walking through a dark forest.

The group was a combination of 2 Demihumans and 3 Humanoids.

They're all happily talking to each other when suddenly, one of them, a Player that seems to be an Elf, stopped walking while looking around the vicinity.

Judging by his sudden behavior, It looks like he suddenly noticed something around, though their vicinity is pretty much empty.

The action of the elf had immediately grabbed his colleagues' attention as they all stopped too and look at the Elf.

"... What is it?" One of them asked the elf.

"... I think, I found one." The Elf answered while still doing his thing.

"... Where is it?" Another one of them asked too.

"... Wait, gimme a second." The Elf answered in a hurry, seemingly close to whatever he's trying to find.

Hearing this, the group looks at each other's faces for a moment after that. Nobody needs to tell each other what to do as they all focus their attention on the Elf.

Though the context of what's happening may seem pretty vague for others, the group understood exactly what's happening since they have already done this for many times now.


Moments after that, the Elf finally stopped what he's doing. He looks towards his colleagues and says something with a satisfied tone.

"... Found it."


Immediately after that, the Elf bursted out of his position and started running in a certain direction while the rest of the group, followed behind him.

It didn't take them long before they all stopped.

The group crouched and hid behind a big boulder while looking in a certain direction.

From a not-so-far distance, another Player that everyone can identify as a slime, is standing alone in an open field for an unknown reason.

They all spy at the Slime while hidden, seemingly to not reveal their presence.

"... Only one?" Someone in the group said with a bit of a disappointed tone.

"... Well, at least there's something." The Elf said.

"... *Sigh* I got my hopes up for nothing. I thought we'll finally have a feast." Another one said.

"... Hey, at least that slime is packing."

"... Yeah, that slime has a decent level so that'll do."

The group pulls their attention away from the slime as they all discuss something within themselves.

But as they're talking, the Elf tapped one of his colleagues back to grab his attention.

"... Huh? What is it?"

"... I— I think that slime is looking at us." The Elf said in a bit confused tone.

"... Huh? There's no wa—" One of them was about to disagree, thinking that there's no way that they'll be detected. But when he took looked at the slime, he also saw that the slime indeed is looking towards their direction.

Being spotted isn't something to be surprised about since they didn't use any anti-detection spell in the first place. But they were spotted by a slime, a Heteromorphic Player, a Player that's below them. For them, this is pretty unexpected.

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