chapter 61 - happy last week of work week!!!!

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“Trent,” said a voice as Trent Bianco stepped into the cool interior of the local pub. 

Trent turned and beheld his boss waiting for him on a bench seat in the foyer. 

“Hi,” Trent said, pausing. He could see his co-workers already seated for the Christmas lunch, chatting and laughing.

“I just want to say how appreciative I am of you,” the boss said, “you've been really helpful in training my new staff, getting them adjusted to my firm.”

“Oh, I—” Trent said modestly, his face blushing. “It's not much.”

“No, really, you've been a huge help,” the boss insisted. “Especially since I've been unable to come into the office, you've really held down the fort.”

“It's no trouble,” Trent said, trying not to think of his fellow co-workers yelling at him constantly, annoyed at him for everything.

“That's why it's so difficult for me to say this—” the boss began.

Trent just stared, eyes wide.

“I have to let you go,” the boss went on, talking quickly. “I'm so close to my dream of an all-accountant accounting firm. I need everyone on board to be getting tax returns out.” She let out a breath. “This Christmas lunch is also your farewell lunch.”

It felt like the floor fell out from underneath Trent or maybe that was his stomach descending. “What?” was all he could manage.

“It doesn't make sense carrying a non-CPA in my CPA accounting firm in the new year,” the boss continued. 

“I completed one subject—” Trent started.

“And failed two with no plans to continue,” the boss interrupted, raising her voice slightly. “My decision is final. Got it? Good. Enjoy lunch.”

The boss made her way into the restaurant and Trent slowly, lethargically, followed her, still stunned from everything he'd been told.

He tried to gather his thoughts and focus on his co-workers’ animated discussions, downing at least three ouzo and coke drinks before the main meal. 

It was all too much right now. 

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