Chapter 24 - Agenda reveal party

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Tyler Brown played by Napoleon Dynamite (because that's probably what Carlton fans would want and as we all know, this is Carlton's world and we're all just living in it)

Tyler Brown played by Napoleon Dynamite (because that's probably what Carlton fans would want and as we all know, this is Carlton's world and we're all just living in it)

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Callum Brown played by Adam Sandler in Billy Madison (because Callum would make a great comedic actor cos he's funny)

Callum Brown played by Adam Sandler in Billy Madison (because Callum would make a great comedic actor cos he's funny)

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"I bet she's not even pregnant," Ginni muttered out loud as they walked towards Trent's house, hand in hand with Tracey.

Tracey grimaced. "Well, I saw her holding her stomach, isn't that what pregnant people do?"

"It just seems so early," Ginni murmured. "They've just had Daisy Claire."

"Trent's mother birthed Daisy, not Shae," Tracey pointed out.

"Still," Ginni said, shrugging, as they arrived at Trent's house.

Trent was standing at the front door, cuddling Daisy in his arms. "Hi guys!" Trent greeted.

"Hi Trenna, hi Daisy Claire," Ginni said, placing a big sloppy kiss on Daisy's cheek.

"Do I get one?" Trent whispered, staring wistfully at Ginni.

Ginni paused and leaned in to smack a kiss on Trent's lips.

Tracey didn't even blink, just walked inside and greeted Shae and her dad. "Congratulations!" She cried, hugging Shae. Then hugged her dad and continued down the hallway.

"Hello Mr Fasolo," Ginni greeted Alex politely.

"Hello Jack, nice of you to join us for the party," Alex said, smiling gently.

Shae stared stonily at Ginni, and Ginni just looked her up and down warily before following his girlfriend.


"I don't know why she hates me so much," Ginni lamented as he sipped a lemongrass and ginger tea.

Tyler Brown fingered the string around his neck that held his glasses. "Who?" he asked innocently.

"Shae," Ginni grumbled. "Maybe she suspects I'm onto her fake pregnancy."

"Maybe she thinks you're a bad influence for her stepdaughter," Callum Brown pointed out, always the evil twin compared to Tyler.

Ginni snorted. "I think she should be more concerned for her stepson," he scoffed. "The things I've done to—"

"Alright, hahahaha that's enough now," Trent interrupted. "Am I laughing? I've been practising." He passed around a plate of sandwiches. "My dad put these together."

"His famous sandwiches," Tracey said proudly, taking one and munching happily.

Ginni, Callum and Tyler all took a sandwich and coughed it up almost straight away.

"Ugh, what's in it?" Callum cried, chucking his to the ground.

"Mine bit me back," Ginni groaned, staring at the fish head between two bits of bread.

"On second thoughts, it's not too bad," Tyler murmured, nibbling on the edges.


After an afternoon of snacking on Alex Fasolo's baking disasters, the main attraction was brought out.

The cake.

"This is it, the big reveal of gender," Trent said excitedly.

"I'm still waiting for mine," Ginni drawled wryly.

Alex looked so excited and hopeful, whispering to Daisy Claire who was snuggled into his arms, "Which colour do you want, Dais?"

Shae slid the knife in, cutting a piece from the cake.... She looked around all their friends and family, all waiting eagerly, with bated breath...

"I told the ultrasound guy that I didn't want to know what it was," Shae introduced, "to just give the answer to the cake makers and let me find out with all of you."

After a gasp of breath, Shae continued. "I've been feeling pain for weeks now," she said, "It was just easier to tell you guys it was a pregnancy."

A few stones tumbled from the cake.

There were gasps from the crowd.

"Shae..." Alex said, starting forward to his wife, his face crestfallen. "What..."

She turned to her husband. "We've got our child, Alex," she said, gesturing to Daisy Claire. "Did you really think I wanted another of these terrors?"

"So she's not..." Trent whispered, still trying to process that he wasn't getting another sibling.

"I knew it," Ginni bragged, grinning widely. "I told you!"

"So, we threw this whole party... to celebrate... what?" Alex asked, dumbfounded. "What are we celebrating?"

"Me having gallstones," Shae said, beaming happily. "And they're coming out tomorrow as non-binary!"


Author's note: I just want to say that I did have an afterthought to make both Tyler and Callum Brown played by Steve Carell characters and I didn't go there. I am proud of myself for rising above that sort of easy target. (shhh don't tell me that Napoleon Dynamite isn't any better, be quiet, I nearly did Michael Cera but the glasses thing wouldn't work)

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