Chapter 46 - 7 days, no lights, no windows

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In this chapter, Trent is played by his stunt double Darcy Moore.

In this chapter, Trent is played by his stunt double Darcy Moore

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Watching her brother drink from a straw while in a neck brace was not fun but Tracey was grateful he was alive after his terrible fall to the concrete at the MCG.

Plus it was amusing to watch Ginni run around fluffing Trent's pillows, giving him foot rubs and catering to his every need.

"If you're just doing this to get some of my creme brulee, then too bad," Trent murmured.

"You can't even eat the creme brulee, the doctor said liquids only," Tracey pointed out, smirking.

"Trenna, I'm so sorry this happened, I should never have made you sit way up on level 4," Ginni cried, "Only a corporate box for my Trenna."

"Ginni, I keep telling you, it's fine," Trent mumbled.

"And it was me who got the tickets," Tracey added.

"Trent, please forgive me," Ginni moaned, "When I heard about... when Tracey called me to tell me, she was mostly screaming, and I just... oh my god... I feared the worst..."

"It's okay, I'm all good," Trent said, managing a smile.

"But are you though? I know I've been spending more time with Tracey and neglecting our relationship, Trent, and I am so sorry, what can I ever do to make it up to you?" Ginni pleaded. "This is all my fault."

"Ginni, no, it's really fine, please stop fussing," Trent tried for what felt like the millionth time. There was only so much fluffing that could be done to a pillow. Plus he hated people touching his feet.

"Does anyone else think it's weird that Amelia hasn't been in here yet?" Tracey wondered out loud to no one in particular.

"She's getting her nails done today," Trent answered diplomatically.

Ginni burst into tears. "I'm so sorry, Trent, I know how much you were looking forward to that manicure!" he wailed.

"I didn't—" Trent started.

"Sounds like an appointment that could've been postponed," Tracey mused. "It's been like a week and---"

"I could give you a mani pedi while in here," Ginni said, "Trace, pass my make-up bag."

"You brought your entire make-up kit to the hospital?" Tracey asked bewildered.

"Well, the travel size," Ginni conceded, and clicked his fingers in Tracey's direction. "Now! Otherwise I will eat all of Trent's creme brulee myself."

"Alright, alright," Tracey said, reaching into Ginni's backpack and pulling out the make up bag. She passed it to him. "Do me next."

Ginni said nothing, just took the make up bag and got to work painting Trent's fingernails in pretty colours.

Trent, lying prostrate in the bed with a neck brace, couldn't do much to stop it. He just sipped his orange juice and closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Ginni's hand on his wrist.

This wasn't too bad. At least it was better than watching his team get beaten by Carlton.

Falling in love with your best mate's sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang