Chapter 19 - Catnip

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"Who even wears the pants in your relationship?" was the first thing Ginni said when Trent opened the door, Trent's luscious dark brown hair expertly braided.

Trent just rolled his eyes. "I've seen you wear a ballet outfit," Trent drawled and stepped to the side. "Just come in."

"Are they all here?" Ginni asked nervously, heading down the hall.

Shutting the front door, Trent followed Ginni. "Yes of course," he said. "On the couch."

Ginni made his way to the couches and stood there, admiring his precious cats, tears welling his eyes. "My children..." he sobbed.

"You do this every time," Trent stated.

Reaching out to flick one of Trent's braids, Ginni smirked. "You love it, Katniss."

Trent beamed, as he always did at a reference of his all time favourite movie.

Ginni took off his shirt and flopped onto the couch, curling his body around his cats. They immediately started purring and huddled closer, licking his chest.

"Right, um..." Trent said awkwardly. "Should we... um, put on a movie? Or..." Anything to take his mind off what was happening on the couch that his dad and Shae had bought after their wedding.

"Sure," Ginni replied, distracted. "Your choice this time, Catnip."

Trent's heart leaped. He put his favourite movie on, and settled in his dad's armchair, feet up on the footrest.

Breathing in the cool smoky air from his dad's ashtray as the opening of the Hunger Games washed over him, Trent was at peace, serene—

Ginni moaned loudly, his back arched off the couch.

"Gin, no, use a towel!" Trent screamed, jumping up and running to the linen cupboard. He grabbed a towel and ran back, thrusting it at Ginni.

"Alright, alright, geez keep your skirt on," Ginni mumbled, taking the towel and sliding it underneath him.

Trent sighed. "You know my stepmother will kill me if the couch gets stained," he grumbled, sitting back on the armchair and watching the movie.

"I offered you a chance to move in with me," Ginni murmured between pleasurable groans, the cats all over him. "It's too late now, Tyler's taken it up."

"Mm," Trent said, more focused on the movie.

"He invited his new teammate Bailey Smith around for tea the other day," Ginni said.

Trent snorted. "Just tea," he mocked.

"Trent, it's Tyler," Ginni reminded him. "Of course they just had tea. Then Tyler went to bed at 7pm and the real fun started for me, Baz and Trace."

"What's better: threesome with Bailey Smith or playing with your cats?" Trent asked intrigued.

Ginni blew out a breath. "You've put me in a real pickle," he answered.

"Because you can't admit you prefer a threesome with Bailey Smith more in front of your cats?" Trent supplied helpfully.

"Shhhh," Ginni hissed, shooting an annoyed look at Trent. He quickly stroked all his cats in turn, whispering words of comfort. "Don't listen to him, he has no idea, you're my true darlings, the loves of my life—"

"Equal with Tracey," Trent added.

"Well, yes, equal with Tracey," Ginni said, rolling his eyes at Trent and turning back to his cats. "I love—"

"Bailey Smith," Trent finished, smirking at his best friend.

Ginni jerked his head toward Trent, narrowing his eyes and giving him a brutal stare. "Quiet, Katniss," he hissed, eyes glittering angrily. "Just... enjoy your movie."

Trent held up his hands and turned back to the TV, just in time for Katniss to volunteer as tribute for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her sister. Trent bit back a sob, tears welling in his eyes, thinking of his own sister, Daisy Claire.

This movie already was so relatable and moving, and now Trent just had more reasons to relate to the heroine. He felt every step and breath that Katniss took on her way up to the stage, he was with her at every moment.

Even Ginni's purring and climaxing couldn't break Trent's focus.

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