Chapter 25 - Ain't got a soapbox I can stand upon

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It'd been a week since Ginni had impulsively bought a ring and it was just metaphorically burning a hole in his pocket.

The right time hadn't come up. He knew it had to be special, a moment worthy of retelling over and over, with more and more exaggerated details each time.

An opportunity just hadn't presented itself.

Until tonight.

Trent had surprised him this morning at training with Ed Sheeran tickets and Ginni just knew it would be the perfect setting.

"Do you think these tattoo sleeves make me look hotter?" Trent murmured, admiring his arms in the mirror that were adorned in fake tattoo sleeve. "Maybe I should get tattoos for real."

"You do have one for real," Ginni drawled, affixing his clip-on tie to his freshly ironed shirt. "You've got that picture of me on your—"

"Shhhh," Trent cried loudly, aghast, eyes darting around the room anxiously.

"Relax, the girls aren't here yet," Ginni said, rolling his eyes. "it's just me and you."

Trent exhaled in relief. He looked over at Ginni and raised an eyebrows. "Wow, you look dapper," he remarked. "is that gel? And... winged eyeliner? Ginni, this was just meant to be a spur of the moment casual thing."

"I've got something up my sleeve," Ginni said mysteriously.

"The last time you said that was getting out of university exams by vomiting your breakfast everywhere," Trent drawled warily.

Ginni just smirked. "Well, it worked, didn't it?" He said proudly.

The girls arrived in pretty dresses and the four of them headed off to the train station. The train was packed, with Tracey and Amelia nabbing the last two seats, so Trent and Ginni were pressed up against each other near the doorway.

"You got any Ed on your Spotify?" Ginni murmured as Trent scrolled through his phone.

"Mmm of course," Trent said, fingers deftly moving as he selected the latest Ed Sheeran album and passed an earbud to Ginni.

They spent the whole train ride listening to Ed Sheeran, with Ginni planning his whole speech and deciding the best song to do it in.

Ginni felt a connection to some of the lyrics, like "every time you come around, you know I can't say no", and "two stepping with the woman I love", his heart picking up speed as he thought of Tracey...

"Ginni, you okay?" Trent asked, noticing how sweaty and feverish his friend had become. "Am I too close?" He moved to wiggle back.

"No, you're perfect," Ginni said, reaching out a hand to hold Trent in place.

"Like the Ed Sheeran song," Trent whispered.

"Hm?" Ginni asked, distracted.

"Perfect," Trent explained. He sighed wistfully.

"Don't know it," Ginni said dismissively, his brain fully focused on his task at hand. Tonight would be the night. Tonight he was going to propose.


The entire concert had nearly gone past, and Ginni was starting to regret his choice of song for the proposal.

How's a guy meant to propose to his girlfriend around here to songs like Perfect and Thinking Out Loud, Ginni thought sourly.

Finally, Ginni heard the lyrics of his dreams.

It's true, my bad habits lead to you

This was it.

Tracey and Trent were both standing up, dancing away to the song, so Ginni knelt down, his knee digging into the turf so hard that he felt the grass fully subside, and cleared his throat.

Trent was the first to notice. "Ginni?" he asked, bewildered. "Oh my god, Ginni, what have you done to the turf?"

Tracey turned to look at her boyfriend, her eyes wide as she took in his position, her hands flying to her mouth.

Ginni sang along to what Ed was singing, making full eye contact with Tracey.

Every pure intention ends when the good times start

Fallin' over everything to reach the first time's spark

It started under neon lights, and then it all got dark

His hand fumbled inside his pocket and pulled out the ring. "Tracey Beverley Bianco," he said, gulping with nerves. "Will you marry me?"

"What the hell is he doing proposing during Bad Habits," Amelia muttered under her breath.

"Yes!" Tracey cried, taking the ring from Ginni and squealing. "Yes, of course!"

Ginni jumped up and hugged his girlfriend, Trent joined in too, congratulating his sister and his best friend on their engagement.

The whole crowd around them whooped and cheered, and even Ed looked over with a smile.

Ginni wasn't Superman, just a young boy trying to be loved.

Falling in love with your best mate's sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora