Chapter 55 - employee misconduct

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Gruber & Associates

PO box 


Your honours,

I'd like to report one of my employees, Trent Daniel Bianco, for misconduct. I employed him because we were both distraught over his mother dying but I don't think he can be trusted any more.

My I.T. guy went into the office the other day and caught a glimpse of the folders of invoices behind his desk. There's supposed to be folders of paid invoices and also folders of white copies but he's written "Bianco copies" on some of the folders.

They are MY invoices, the invoices of MY accounting firm. I've entrusted him to send out invoices for my firm and he's misused that trust by writing his own name onto the folders.

Plus there was a list on his desk of client names and amounts but those aren't on the weekly debtors from any week. I tell him to bill clients for us doing the work and he's just writing it down without doing it? What am I paying him for?

I'm trying to run a business, working 12 hours a day to cover expenses, and my guy isn't billing the clients accordingly. If I spend a few hours helping a client fill out a Centrelink form for her elderly mother, I deserve to be paid $900 plus GST.

Thank you for your time and I hope this is enough of a case to stand him down from his position at my firm and strike him off the future tax practitioners board if he ever chooses to continue in this field.

Kind regards


Author's note: god help me if my boss ever catches wind of my Wattpad, I am dead. Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this. Trent is definitely too Italian and accidentally wrote Italian words on the folders and he's sorry. He really needs to "stop being Italian". Turn it off, Trent, it's ruining your career.

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