Chapter 4: Love that makes the roses cry

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"Do you think this is okay to send Tracey?" Ginni asked one morning, handing a Polaroid to Trent.

Trent took the picture and scrutinised it carefully. "Your underwear is visible," he commented.

"Yeah it's Calvin Klein," Ginni said.

"You think Trace will give you a Calvin Klein sponsorship?" Trent asked, smirking.

"You never know," Ginni said, "it could come from anywhere. Dusty said...."

"Dusty said that every second of your life is a professional photoshoot," Trent mimicked, having heard it so many times before.

"Yeah," Ginni said, glad he'd passed on wisdom to his best friend. "That quote is taped inside my locker." He beamed proudly.

"Right," Trent said, and stared at the Polaroid again. "Anyway, she'll love this. You look hot. Nice pose."

Ginni grinned widely. "I used the room with the north facing window so it's the perfect lighting."

"Mm," Trent murmured, not wanting to ask if "north facing" referred to the bathroom skylight, and handed back the portrait.

"I wrote her a poem too," Ginni gushed, "do you want to hear it?"

Trent just shrugged. "Sure," he said bored.

"It's called love that makes the roses cry," Ginni said.

"Oh god," Trent muttered, turning toward his locker to hide the hardness in his pants.

Ginni's shoulders deflated. "You don't think it's any good?" He asked sadly. "I stayed up all night writing it!"

"Gin, I..." Trent started to say before blurting, "I gotta run." He bolted from the room.

Ginni stared after his best friend and then turned back to Trent's open locker, displaying Trent's training gear and footy boots. "That's funny, we have training and he left his stuff here," Ginni muttered to himself.

Dressed in his own training gear, Ginni headed out to the track and kicked the footy to himself. He couldn't see Trent anywhere and it wasn't until they were halfway through the warm up that Trent appeared, wearing a different number and worn boots.

"You ok?" Ginni asked quietly as he sidled up to Trent.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine," Trent said, flustered and red in the face, even though he'd just joined the training.

Concerned, Ginni eyed his friend warily but didn't say anything. He just hoped Trent would come to him if anything was wrong.

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