Chapter 10: Wicked witch of the west

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Author's note: Apologies for this chapter containing minimal Ginni. Just skip to the end and give it a star thingy and hope that Ginni's back in the next instalment. Anyway, enjoy.

"Trent!" Alex Fasolo boomed. "Trent Daniel Bianco!!!"

Trent blinked awake. It wasn't unusual for his dad to be yelling but it was never at him.

He heaved himself from bed, carefully without disturbing the sleeping cats, and found his dad in the kitchen. "Yes, dad?" Trent asked.

Alex sighed and gestured at the couch. "Your mother told you last night to sweep the cat hair off the couch and it's still there," Alex explained.

"Step mother," Trent grumbled. "Not my fault you had to marry the wicked witch of the west who is afraid of cats."

"She's not afraid of cats, Trent," Alex sighed. "But we've got friends coming over for lunch and it'd be nice if the couch wasn't covered in cat hair. I don't even know why you had to play with the cats on the couch in the first place!"

"Ginni was here," Trent said, "We were watching a movie and the cats wanted to cuddle up to him." He didn't mention that Ginni had his shirt off and the cats licked his nipples. It was too disturbing to think about.

"Well, just clean it up," Alex said gruffly.

Trent blinked, for a minute thinking his dad meant... "Oh, the cat hair," Trent said, and enthusiastically grabbed the dustpan and swept it all up.

"Thank you," Alex said, pleased. He'd raised his son well.

Once it was all done, Trent went back to his dad. "Dad, aren't you going to take the wicked witch on a honeymoon?" He asked. He honestly needed a break from his dad's new wife, who had moved in after the wedding and had just been a whirlwind of craziness.

"Yes, but we're waiting for Halloween," Alex said. "I've booked a night with her in a haunted house for Halloween. It's more romantic that way."

Trent nodded. He knew his dad was an expert at romance. "Okay," he said, his brain already thinking of throwing a Halloween party while the parents were away.

Trent turned to go but his dad spoke. "I'm really proud of you, son, taking on the responsibility of five cats," Alex said, gripping Trent's shoulder and squeezing. "I'm sorry she's been a pain but you're doing a really excellent job."

"Mmm," Trent grunted. "Mum would've—"

Sadness flashed in Alex's eyes. "Your mum isn't here," he said grimly, teeth gritted. Alex leaned over and kissed Trent on the cheek. "But she'd be proud of you too." Alex's eyes flicked upwards.

Trent nodded sadly, his eyes glancing up north as well. He knew his mum was enjoying her new life up in Queensland after finally quitting her stressful job of filing and making coffees for the boss, but he missed her terribly.

Making his way back to bed, Trent sprawled out next to the cats and stroked Cher's fur, the purrs of five cats making the bed rumble.

Another morning in paradise.

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