Chapter 1: I didn't know you had a sister

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Arriving at the club one morning, medal around his neck and hair so bright that it wasn't just Mason Cox wearing sunglasses, Jack Ginnivan opened his locker.

The fan mail poured out.

Like an avalanche.

Grinning, Ginni sorted through the packages, ripping open one that felt like a box of candy. He wasn't disappointed.

Munching on gooey caramels, Ginni flicked through a few of the letters until one caught his eye. The name scrawled on the back of the envelope sounded familiar.

Tracey Bianco.

Swallowing the candy and trying not to get his sticky hands on the paper, Ginni ripped it open excitedly.

The letter was written in the same beautiful scrawl. It read:

"Dear Jack,

congrats on your five goals at your football concert. My brother will not stop talking about you and how cute you are.

He gushes about you at the dinner table and no one can get a word in.

Thought I'd see what the fuss is about. Please write back.

Ginni felt giddy. He knew the brother referenced in the letter had to be Trent. His best mate teammate Trent Bianco. And sadly Trent was taken, happily in a relationship with an ex bulldog.

But a sister! He didn't know much about Trent's family but if Trent had a sister, then she must be a female version of Trent.

Which would be an amazing consolation prize.

Stuffing his mouth with caramels, Ginni raced to locker number 8 and waved the letter in Trent's face.

"Ididntknowyouhadasister," Ginni cried, teeth sticky of caramel.

"What," Trent said, blinking in confusion.

"Tracey," Ginni clarified, his mouth still full.

"Oh," Trent said, realisation dawning. "she wrote to you."

Ginni just nodded enthusiastically. "Immawriteback," he gushed and reached into Trent's locker, grabbed the crayons and ran from the room.

"Don't get them sticky with caramel!" Trent yelled after him, shaking his head. He hated Ginni borrowing his stuff.

Later that day, Ginni handed an envelope to Trent, with "Tracey" scrawled on the front in rainbow colours.

"Can you give this to her?" Ginni pleaded.

"Sure," Trent replied, pocketing the letter.

(Chapter break)

Next day, a new letter from Tracey was waiting in Ginni's locker.

"She wrote back!" Ginni cried, ripping it open with his teeth.

He eagerly read the note, written with a pink highlighter.

"Dear Jack,

It was so lovely to hear back from you. I'm so glad to hear your basketball card collection is going so well. Maybe I'll trade some of mine with you.

Sorry to hear about your broken power ranger.

Good luck for your game this weekend!


Ginni jumped up and ran to Trent's locker. "She also has a basketball collection!!!!" He yelled, and threw his arms around his best mate. He sobbed into Trent's shoulder. "We have so much in common. I love her."

"I'm glad," Trent murmured soothingly, rubbing Ginni's back with hands streaked in pink highlighter.

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