You Win One, You Lose One

Start from the beginning

Haein started convulsing, the boys tried to get him to stop jostling so much, listening to Jennie's instructions while she injected god knows what to get him to stop seizing.

"By the time you make it to your chopper, and fly him to a hospital, he's as good as dead. I'll take him off of your hands. Hand him over."

"You're not going anywhere near him. You'll kill him."

"You know I'm his best shot. Besides, he's dead either way isn't he? I'm the only chance he has. Hand him over and I'll forget the fact you're committing high treason, by colluding with Thai soldiers no less. Let me take care of my last bit of competition, and if he plays the good boy like I need him to, he might even live."

There was a painful gasp and Jisoo turned around.

"Jisoo." said a weak, strained voice.

"Haein!" Jisoo rushed to him.

"Youngro." Haein said, pulling his dog tags off and weakly handed them to Jisoo.

"Give them to her yourself Jung Haein!" Jisoo scolded him.

"Take me." Haein managed to say to Colonel Yu. "But you have to let them go."

A massive hemorrhaging of blood came out of his mouth and Haein looked down at his chest. It was over. He knew he was dead. The least he could do was get them out.

"No!" Jisoo shouted, draping herself over his body, drenching herself in his blood in the process. Haein managed to have enough energy to touch her cheek, leaving a bloody handprint behind before passing out again.

"You heard the man, take him. Let's hope he at least puts up a fight, otherwise, this will have been very boring." Colonel Yu told the rest of them.

"You're not taking him!" Jisoo snarled.

Jennie and Chaeyoung both rushed to grab Jisoo. Jackson and Lucas helped.

"You have to let him go Chu. It's his only chance." Jennie whispered.

"He'll make it baby. He's gotta make it." Chaeyoung said too, more to herself than to Jisoo. She was holding her from behind while Jackson and Lucas held each of her arms as gently as they could while keeping her in place. Jennie was in front of Jisoo, pleading for Jisoo to listen.

"We'll get him back Chu. We've gotten all of them back before, we can do it again." Jennie whispered, crying along with the rest of them.

Jisoo's eyes were watering but she shoved them back. She was sure the tears would fall though, when she got home and she had to tell Youngro she lost her future husband right as they were about to get their happy ending. They had already been planning their wedding. They wanted to waste no time and as soon as Haein was back they were going to get married within weeks.

"Why the long faces, I'm letting you go aren't I? I'm feeling generous today. Normally I'd have fighter planes swarm the place within seconds and you'd be halfway to oblivion." Colonel Yu said as she checked her watch.

"Well, of course I still did but I gave you a head start because I'm embracing my kind side. You have about ninety seconds left." Colonel Yu said with an evil grimace.

"Please tell me she's kidding." Jackson asked under his breath.

"Colonel Yu doesn't kid when it comes to violence." Bambam said. "Run!"

Jackson had to throw Jisoo over his shoulder. Chaeyoung followed him while Lucas covered her.

Bambam got into the SUV that Jennie and Felix had been in.

They all peeled out as Colonel Yu's helicopter shot at them. One of the SUV's got hit in the back tire and flipped.

"Stop! Stop the car." Jennie shouted. "We have to go back."

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