85. Muggle Life

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Single, single, increased stitch, single, single, increased stitch... move the stitch marker and... ahh all singles wonderful- the bell chimed and avalon put her project down.

"I got it." Draco assured. "Hello and welcome to Avalon's apothecary. I'm Draco, how can I assist you today?"

Severus was usually in the back making potions, he tried to stay away from the front. He wasnt a people person and he knew what others still thought about him. He knew that Draco and harry knew and understood but the rest of the world didnt get that insight so he let Avalon be the smile and friendly face of the apothecary. He also liked that he got to spend more time with the kids. Emma and Harwin were helping him constantly with new potions, literally making new potions by throwing things into the pot. But they had made a few good ones by accident.

"I'm hoping for a healing draft." The man said. "I have these burns and... You look familiar."

"I have a wide array of healing tonics and creams, we have a professional potions master-" Draco remarked the man chuckled. "It's more exciting than saying apothecarial." Draco offered.

"Ture." THe old man agreed.

"We have ointments and drafts. This one goes right on the wound, within a fortnight the buns should be decreased significantly if not gone completely." Draco remarked, the man peered at the price and scoffed. "but I do warn you its expensive the materials are hard to find but its worth it." Draco assured. "I had a burn on my neck can you see anything now?" Avalon stood up confused, what was he talking about?

"I dont see anything." The man answered.

"Exactly. this place is like magic. I'm telling you, you wont regret it."

"Alright then." He agreed. "Give me a pot."

"Wonderful, do you need anything else?"

"A refund if it doesnt work."

"Nope sorry." Draco took the mans cash and coin and dropped it in the register. "Have a wonderful day, tell your friends." He added before turning to avalon. She stitched as she stared back at him.

"What burn?" Avalon questioned when the door sealed shut again.

"What?" Draco countered.

"You said-"

"OH," Draco chuckled. "I was lying, to sell it. We know it works but some muggles-"

"I'm a muggle." Avalon corrected.

"You are a cool muggle." Draco corrected. The bell chimed again and draco strut forward. "Welcome to- oh hey Harry."

"Hi." He answered. "Mum! I brought Ginny and Hermione, they wanted to see Amelia." Amelia ran forward pushing past harry and hugging the girls. "Hi to you too squirt." Harry added.

"I see you everyday Harry." Amelia corrected. "I havent seen Ginny since your last date."

"Date." Draco repeated. "Hey Granger you-"

"Nope." Hermione corrected. The bell chimed once more and a few women came in. Minerva among them.

"Well its a reunion." Minerva remarked.

"Welcome to Avalon's apothecary." Draco declared. "What can I help you with professor?"

"It's nice to see you have turned your life around, Mr Malfoy." Minerva remarked. "I'm hoping to see Severus and Avalon." Avalon stood up from behind the counter putting down her crochet needle. "Avalon."

"Hello Minerva."

"Have you gotten my letters?"

"I have." Avalon agreed. "I didnt know what to say... its not I that needs your apology as much as severus."

"I know." She agreed softly.

"He's in back, everyone else clear a path from the door, hello ladies, I'm draco, welcome to Avalons Apothecary." Draco ushered Harry and his friends off. "What are you looking for today?"

"Avalon, Harwin was- Minerva." Severus remarked coming to a hault.

"Hello Severus, I'm glad to see you are doing well." she offered.

"I am... what can I get you?" Severus questioned, avalon felt him tense as Harwin ran to avalon trying to climb up her leg.

"I should have listened to Avalon." Minerva remarked. "I... Severus, Avalon can you forgive me for my ignorance?"

"I get it, you thought I was a silly little muggle that didnt understand but I understood. I understood too well." Avalon corrected. "I'm not ashamed that I am muggle but i know my husband and you knew him years before we met and yet you thought he could be so horrible."

"I was foolish." Minerva agreed. "And you were the best of us. Being a muggle doesnt define you." Minerva reached out a hand for her. Avalon looked to Severus.

"I have missed you old friend." Severus agreed. Minerva felt tears sting her eyes.

"We have lost too much to..."

"Yes." Severus agreed.

"The children seem to be getting along well." Minerva remarked.

"Indeed." Severus agreed.

"How have you been, Severus?"

"Besides making potions we have been living a pretty muggle life." Severus admitted smiling back at Avalon. "It's been nice." Avalon giggled out. "I like this little life of ours."

"To the Muggle life!" She toasted with Harwin's sippy cup.

"And a long life to come."


Thank you so much for reading!! This is probably my favorite story to date! Really hope you loved it too!

I have a new severus story out called
📖 cant catch me now
If you are still in the mood for more severus I would love it if you checked it out!

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