6. Bogart

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"When I heard you were in the med wing," Severus rasped holding onto Avalon. 

"I'm fine, Hagrid had a Hippogriff and it didnt like Mr Draco." Avalon remarked. 

"Day one he is dealing with dangerous and untrained magical creatures?" Severus scoffed. 

"The kids were having fun... sort of...before. I was very confused as well, Severus he doesnt have a syllabus." Avalon added. "How am I supposed to know what to study up on if he is just working on whatever magical creature he stumbles upon? I can't know all the magical creatures ever to exsit." Avalon declared. 

"Draco!" Lucius demanded marching past Severus. "What happened?"  Avalons gaze followed them. 

"He's going to be okay," Avalon cut in as Draco rambled. "He got lucky." 

"Madam Pomfrey said another minute and l could've lost my arm." Draco agreed. 

"I did not." Pomfrey corrected. 

"Who was your teacher? This woman?" Lucius questioned. 

"Hagrid." Draco corrected. 

"The oaf?" LUcius questioned. Draco nodded. 

"Ms Avalon brought me here." Draco added. 

"Thank you... Avalon." Lucius offered coldly before turning back to Draco. "I'm going to handle this." 

"Come on Avalon," Severus led her away. "I doubt you will have lessons today, not with Lucius on a rampage." 

"Lucius, he's your friend, oh you have told me of Draco." Avalon realized as they walked. 

"Yes, he is a smart boy but pompous like his father." Severus agreed. 


'Intriguing isn't it?' remus said as the wardrobe shook in front of them 'anyone want to guess as to what is inside?'

'A Bogert.'

'Very good can anyone tell me what a Bogert looks like?' Remus went on

'No one knows.' Hermione told him 'a Bogert is a shape shifters they take the shape of whatever the particular person fears the most that's what makes them-'

'So terrifying yes.' Remus finished 'luckily a very simple charm can be used to defeat a Bogert.' Remus stood to the side of the wardrobe clattered behind him 'let's practice. Without wands please. Ridiculous.' he said they repeated him 'ridiculous. loud and clear.' they echoed him again now. Avalon peered in, Severus was right, Hagrid was in meetings and care of magical creatures for the day was postponed to readings in the library instead of lessons. 

 'that was the easy part but the incantation alone is not enough What really finishes Bogert is laughter you need to force it to assume a shape to which you find amusing. Let me explain Neville will you join me please?' nervously he stepped forward 'don't be shy come on don't worry. Now what frightens you Neville most of all?' Remus questioned.

'Professor Snape.' Neville murmured. Avalon gave a sad smile. 

'What?' Remus questioned a hand to his ear.

'Professor Snape.' he said loudly

'Professor Snape.' Remus said louder laughing the rest of the class joined in, Severus clearly terrified the students. But Avalon knew Severus as a sweet man that loved to read and always kissed her goodnight. 'Do you have a grandmother Neville?'

'Yes but I don't want the Bogert to turn into hurt either.' Neville admitted

'No.' Remus agreed 'it won't but I want you to picture her clothes very clearly in your mind.'

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