14. Intrusive Thoughts

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"Why have been doing laundry for years?" Avalon questioned "when you could just bipity bopity boo it clean!"

"Its a little more complicated than that love." Severus assured her

"Is it though? Is it really?" Avalon countered. Severus laughed out as the clothes folded themselves and floated back to their spots. "Oh- you have class, we can walk and talk." Avalon remarked holding onto his hand. "You know I have been wanting to learn more about the creatures right?"

"Of course." Severus agreed. Avalon jumped up sitting on his desk.

"Well Mr. Dumbledore said that he would talk to Newt scamander the one that wrote the book." Avalon reminded him.

"I know who he is," severus answered tiding his already pristine desk. You could hear the grown of displeasure as the children entered the potions room.

"Well apparently they're good friends and Mr. Dumbledore-" Avalon went on.

"Headmaster.'' he corrected

"Right well he said that Mr. Scamander wants to meet with me." Avalon told him excitedly.

"He wants to meet with you?"

"I know! I don't know what he said but now I have a lunch Saturday at noon at a place called the broomstick?" Avalon recalled vaguely.

"Three broomsticks, yes." Severus corrected

"Yes that's the one." Avalon agreed. "Mr... Professor... Headmaster said that it would help me to learn more about the creatures and perhaps Newt could come in and help teach a class or two of care for magical creatures. Wouldn't that be exciting? He was the first and I think the first mag... zoo... ologist?" Avalon sounded it out, Severus nodded running his hands along her face. He loved how happy she was. How well she fit in. How much she loved everything.

For hogwarts and all its magic had seemed dull since he met avalon. She was the light of his life and hogwarts had lost its magic but Avalon being here with him. She made everything magical without even trying.

"Oh students, right, class." she said peeking his cheek. "love you."

"Love you." Severus echoed slapping her ass as she went she smiled back at him as she walked through the tables to the door.

"Hello ms Avalon."

'Hello Fred." She answered.

"How did you know i was me?" Fred questioned avalon just shrugged heading out then she felt severus in her head.

I know when you are listening my love avalon thought as she turned around severus face blushed with embarrassment. It was a 50/50 guess if thats what you were wondering. Avalon thought with a grin before heading out.

Having a husband that can read your mind was difficult at first but then it became useful. Besides ruining every gift or surprise avalon tried to give him since they met him he respected her mind and her space but certain times more so since being at hogwarts she noticed him looking.

Avalon said she liked hogwarts and severus believed her but he had to check at first. If the students were bothering her if she was truly unhappy. Previously when she would get sad and quiet he would peak into her mind and see what was wrong and fix it. Be the knight in shining armor. He wanted to believe she was happy and looking into he mind. He saw that she was.


'Well everything is prepared.' Remus said 'the spell I'm going to try and teach you is the Petronas charm have you ever heard of it?' Harry shook his head 'well the Patronas is a positive force in the wizard that can conjure your wand will act as a shield against the Dementor but in order for it to work you need to think of a memory not just any memory of very happy memory a very powerful memory can you do this? Yes very well close your eyes.' Remus instructed in Harry close his eyes, 'explore your past do you have a memory?' harry nodded. 'Allow it to fill you up, lose yourself in the memory and then speak the incantation expecto Patronum.'

'Expecto Patronum.' Harry repeated. Avalon peered in, she wanted to see it in action. Oh Harry, she almost cooed out, she didnt know what it was about Harry but he was just the cutest thing.

''Very good are you ready? wand at the ready...' Remus said unlocking the trunk harry got his wand ready he popped open the lid and the Dementor flew out.

'Expecto Patronum,' harry said, nothing happened. 'expecto... expect-oh.' Harry said collapsing to the ground. Avalon gasped from the door.

'That's all right.' Remus sat harry up as Avalon rushed in.

''Is he alright?" Avalon declared.

'I didn't expect you to get it on the first try.' Remus said, before glancing up at Avalon. "He will be alright." He assured. "Hello Avalon."

"Harry are you alright?" Avalon questioned kneeling beside him.

"I think so, Ms Avalon." Harry agreed.

"What is with all of you professors trying to kill your students?" Avalon demanded.


"Im sorry about this morning," severus said over dinner.

"About what?" Avalon feigned ignorance.

"I am a skilled legitims you are not a skilled liar." Severus countered. "I dont mean to pry."

"I know." Avalon assured reaching over and grabbing his hand.

"Im just checking in making sure-"

"I know." avalon assured

"-you are happy. I just want you to be happy here and not grow to hate me."

"I could never hate you severus. Never." Avalon assured. She held his face in her hands. "I love you and only you. If you say we need to be here then im here. Severus im happy here because you are here you sweet idiot." Avalon declared. "I dont have to wait for nights or weekends or holidays i can see you everyday. All the time. I dont have to wait until Friday to kiss my husband." She pressed her lips to his and his eyes fluttered closed pulling her closer the bicker and murmured of childrens voices pulled him. He forgot for a moment they were in the great hall.

"Shes too pretty for him."

"Shes too sweet."

"Whats she doing with a greesy hair snake like snape?"

Their voices filled his head.

"Shes too good for snape."

He wanted to rip out his ears, his face twitched but avalon kept hold of him.

"Want to go back?" She questioned softly her hands running down his shoulders.

"You dont need to be a mind reader to know what im thinking," severus remarked softly.

"I know you severus." Avalon confirmed. "Come on." She cooed grabbing his hand and leading him away.

Severus lay in bed next to his wife. He smiled down at avalon perfectly content. A book in her hands her bookmark laying across her chest, she read silently next to him. He read as well. Holding the book with one hand the other was wrapped around her a hand trailing up and down her arm as she rested her head in the nook of his arm.

He didnt care what anyone else said or thought, Avalon loved him and that was all that mattered.

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