Part 16: Summer Camp

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The chapter begins as we see the boys of Class 1-A except Kirishima and Bakugo at the swimming area of U.A wearing their swimming trunks. Before they can swim, they are shown to be doing warm-ups to prepare themselves.

Y/n: Hey, Midoriya. Thank you for inviting us to this swimming training. It's not everyday you get to swim at the U.A's swimming pool.

Midoriya: No problem. Though, it wasn't me who came up with the idea. You should be thanking Mineta and Kaminari as well.

Y/n: Right. I'll keep that in mind.

All of a sudden, Mineta and Kaminari enter the swimming area with incredible speed like as if they are excited to see something in the area.

Iida: There you are, slowpokes.

Mineta and Kaminari trip and fall down towards the ground before they slip right pass Iida.

Mineta: No, no, no. What the heck are you guys doing here?

Midoriya: Since we're doing endurance training at the pool, I messaged everyone to see if they wanted to come with us.

Kaminari: You did what? Now all our plans are ruined.

Mineta: Don't lose hope yet. There will definitely still be girls splashing around the water.

The two nod in agreement and begin looking for the girls.

Kaminari: I'll burn the sight into my brain.

Mineta: I can't wait to see those skimpy suits!

However, their hopes and dreams are crushed as they see that they are wear the school swimsuit.

Asui: Oh, hey. Hi, Mineta.

Jirou: I didn't know you guys would be here.

Kaminari: I can't believe there's not a single bikini. Foiled again.

Mineta: You know, school suits are still pretty hot.

Kaminari: Have some standards, dude.

As the two are talking to each other, Katashi is seen behind them as he stares at them.

Katashi: When I heard that you two are the ones who made this idea, I knew that there must be some secret agenda behind it.

Kaminari and Mineta suddenly freak out after hearing that and they look behind to see Katashi which causes them to become fearful.

Mineta: W-What are you talking about? We simply thought that it will be helpful for us to train and become better heroes.

Kaminari: Yeah. What he said.

Katashi: Is that so? My apologies for making assumptions, then. It seems that you both have a change of heart.

Kaminari and Mineta heave a sigh of relief.

Katashi: Hey, Iida!

Iida: Yes?

Katashi: Since this wouldn't have happened without Katashi and Mineta, we should repay them for their kindness.

Iida: An excellent suggestion, Katashi! They're an asset to our class. Let me thank them.

Iida walks towards Mineta and Katashi as his giant body overshadow the two. They attempted to move away out of fear, but Katashi grabs them by the shoulder to prevent them from doing so.

Iida: Now. Don't just sit there. It's time to come sweat with us.

Iida carries Kaminari and Mineta as Iida laughs and walks towards the rest of the boys while Katashi walks alongside Iida.

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