Part 12: The student's internships.

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Part 12: The student's internships.

The chapter begins with Iida inside an office and he is seen wearing his hero costume without his helmet. He is not alone as a hero is in the same office as him.

The hero wears a blue and white tight shirt, a pair of orange gloves, a pair of white boots and dark pants

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The hero wears a blue and white tight shirt, a pair of orange gloves, a pair of white boots and dark pants. He has messy brown hair and a pair of black eyes

Blue and white Hero: *sigh* Well, the nice thing about having the whole city on alert is that no villains will dare come out.

Iida: Oh, yeah, sure.

While the hero is making his preparation, Iida looks down and seems to be in deep thoughts.

Iida (*thoughts*): (Hero killer Stain. It was obvious once I looked at your crimes. In the seven places that you've appeared so far, you've always injured at least four pro heroes. Maybe there's a reason for that, or maybe I'm just reading into things, but it looks like a pattern. And Tensei is the only person you've attacked in Hosu. That means... it's very likely that you'll appear in this city again.)

We get a closer look at his face to see that his face shows nothing but vengeance.

Iida (*thoughts*): (Good. I'll dispose of you with my own hands.)

The scene changes as we see Iida with his helmet on and the hero patrolling together in the city.

Blue and white hero: We'll patrol Kyoto today, too. Sorry this is so monotonous. 

Iida: No. It's better this way. 

Blue and white hero: Hey. 

Iida: Hm? 

Blue and white hero: This is kinda hard to ask, but you're after the  Hero killer, aren't you? 

Iida gasps and stops in his track as soon as he heard the question

Iida: How did you...? 

Blue and white hero: I couldn't think of  any other reason why you'd come to my agency.  Uh! I mean--  Don't get me wrong,  I'm really glad you did, but...  You shouldn't be  pursuing personal grudges. We heroes don't  have the authority to arrest people or punish them. The only reason we're allowed to use our Quirks is because of the regulations put on them. That's why, no matter how noble  the reason may be, a hero must not  use their Quirk for themselves. If a pro used their power for their own selfish desires, it would be a very serious crime. I'm not saying that  the Hero killer isn't incredibly guilty or anything! You just seem like the  earnest type, you know? I'd hate for you to focus on one goal and ignore everything else.

Iida: Thank you. I appreciate it. 

Blue and white hero: Oh, it's fine, as long as  you get what I'm sayin'. So, we good? 

Iida (*thought*): (No. What am I supposed to do with this burning hatred if I can't act?)

The two heroes continue their patrol, but what they didn't notice is that they are being watched.

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