Part 15: The battle between Kamen Riders V2

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The chapter begins as we now find Katashi and Y/n in the fighting area which is revealed to be an entrance to a cave.

Announcer: Team Y/n and Katashi. Practical Exam. Ready. Go.

As soon as the the practical starts, Y/n whips out his Ratoratah medal combo while Katashi whips out the scorpion cell medal. Y/n then inserts his medals into his driver and tilts it before he removes the scanner and uses it to scan the medals. As for Katashi, he flips the medal into the air and grabs it.

Y/n and Katashi: Henshin!

Lion! Tora (Tiger)! Cheetah!

Rata! Rata! Rata! Ratoraatah!

Holograms of giant medals appears flying around Y/n as giant version of the Ratoratah medal combo materialise in front of Y/n. This is followed by the three medals combining together to form a bigger medal and landing on Y/n's chest to form the armour.

Katashi on the other hand inserts the silver medal into his driver and twists the golden cap of the driver which causes the shield of the driver to open with a pop sound to show the driver's core.

A green shield is created with him inside and the metal balls are seen coming out of the driver. The balls then transform into different pieces of an armour and they attach themselves to him to encase him in the armour. However, he seems to now wear the prototype unlike his usual armour.

OOO: Eh? Are you wearing the prototype that Mr Atasushi used during the internship?

Proto Birth: Yeah. He said it's to make things fair given that it will be a 2v1 fight.

OOO: Is that so? Well let's get going. We don't want to keep him waiting.

Proto Birth: Right.

The two enter the cave as they are prepared for whatever's coming for them. Inside the dark cave, we see OOO lighting up the place with his helmet thanks to the medal combo.

OOO: The teachers knew what they were doing. They wanted to use the cave as the fighting area which makes our movement limited and my flight power useless.

Proto Birth: Then that means that we'll have to adapt if we want to pass the practical.

The two continue exploring the cave as there's nothing but silence which is concerning for both of them.

OOO: This is going way too smooth. It's like as if it's just the two of us her-

Before he can finish the sentence, the ground begins to rumble and the two begin to shake uncontrollably.

Proto Birth: Please say sike right now!

Cracks begin to form which is noticed by OOO and Proto Birth and two jump away before the ground erupts to reveal a giant robot coming out from the ground.

Cracks begin to form which is noticed by OOO and Proto Birth and two jump away before the ground erupts to reveal a giant robot coming out from the ground

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