Part 5: The U.S.J attack.

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The chapter begins as we see students of class 1-A having a lesson with Aizawa as the teacher.

Aizawa: Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you.

Hearing this causes the students to be shocked as it is unusual for them to have this many instructors for today's training.

Boy with spiked downward hair: Sir! What kinda training is this?

Aizawa shows a card with the word rescue written on it.

Aizawa: Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that.

The students start to chatter as they talk about the new training.

Yellow haired boy: Disasters, huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout.

Pink skinned girl: Totally!

Red haired boy: Real hero stuff. This is what separates the men from the boys. I'm shakin' with excitement.

Frog-like girl: Finally, I'll get to show off how good I am in water. Ribbit.

Aizawa: Guys, I'm not finished yet.

The students quickly become quiet to allow Aizawa to continue talking about the training.

Aizawa: What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off‐campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready.

Aizawa and the students make their leave as they are now outside U.A with Midorya the only one wearing his uniform while the rest are wearing their hero costumes.

Uraka: Deku? Why are you wearing your PE clothes? Where's your costume at?

Midorya: You saw it after the combat training. It was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up.

Y/n: Judging by the damage caused by Bakugo, you might as well replace it with a new costume.

Katashi: You can also improve the costume to make it more durable so that it won't get damaged like last time.

They then heard a blowing whistle as they look at the source of the sound to reveal that it was Iida who blew the whistle.

Iida: Gather around, Class 1‐A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently.

Midorya: Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?

Y/n: That's Iida for you.


The bus is seen on the move with everyone on board.

Iida: The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy.

Frog-like girl: Iida, you really need to chill. If we're pointing out the obvious, then there's something I wanna say...

Before she can finish her sentence, she looks at Midorya.

Frog-like girl: ...about you, actually.

Midorya: About me? What is it, Asui?

Asui: I told you to call me "Tsu."

Midorya: Oh. Yeah, right.

Asui: That power of yours. Isn't it a lot like All Might's?

Midorya begins to freak out as he's shocked that she has come to the conclusion that he and All might have the same power.

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