Chapter 26: "Are you proposing?!"

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"So you actually did it. . ." Chanel asked Fleur as they walked towards Hogwarts. "You actually took my advice. . ."

Fleur nodded as she looked at her boyfriend's back, Chanel and Fleur were at the back of the group talking in hushed tones, "Yes. I did, do you wish I hadn't?"

"No. . . No. . ." She sounded apprehensive, as if she was unsure about her choice. Percy was in the centre of the group with the Hogwarts students, Beauxbatons students and the cheerleaders around him. Fleur had asked the others to give her some space with Chanel.

"I never did thank you for that, did I?" Fleur asked as she kicked a small pebble from the road. It went flying at hit the shin of Hugo who barely noticed the impact of the insignificant rock, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't. . ."

"It's fine." Chanel nodded in acceptance, "I'm just happy he found someone,"

Fleur laughed loudly prompting a few students to look at the veela duo, "That is a lie if I've ever heard one."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know how you feel. No woman would be happy to see their man they love be happy with someone else," Fleur and Chanel shared a sad smile, "If I were put in your place, I would've never done what you did."

Chanel nodded, "Yes. Do you want me to take it back?"

"No, but it's not like you anyway."

Chanel looked at Percy once again, he was laughing embarrassedly at something Hecate had said. "He seems happy."

"He is." Fleur nodded, "How long are you in town for?"

"So eager to send me off?"

Fleur chuckled, "No, no. It's just that. . . You all were his first friends here, he tries not to show it, but he misses you. . ."

"Does he talk about us a lot?"

"No. He tries not to. He is considerate about my feelings, thinks that I don't like it when he talks about you." Fleur kicked yet another pebble onto Hugo's shin making him finally turn back and glare at Fleur who gave him an apologetic shrug.

"Because we had sex with him?" Chanel chuckled seeing Fleur blush, "well don't worry, I'm sure by now he'll have forgotten all about us after you."

"Well. . . Yes. . ." Fleur looked away, a little shyness seeping into her voice.

"Wait. . . Fleur, you have had sex with him. . . right?" Chanel asked.

"No," came the almost immediate responce, "it's not that I don't want to it's just. . . I want it to be special."

Chanel snorted, "Believe me, with that man, it will be. But take my advice, bring an ice pack. Percy tends to forget his own strength when he really gets into it. Oh, and eat plenty of food before, you need the stamina, the first time there were five of us and we still couldn't get him down," Chanel shivered, "Guy's a monster."

Fleur slowly turned a crimson red, "I-I see. . . Any other tips?"

Chanel smiled, "Yes, make sure your bra and panties match. Oh and bring condoms, believe me, the last thing you need is a baby on the way. And you already know how Percy reacts to pregnancy scares," Chanel laughed at Fleur's beet red face. Fleur scowled as she looked away. It felt strange to talk to her boyfriend's ex for get advice for sex. She was not at all comfortable with the conversation that was going on.

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