Chapter 5: "No... or I'll tell your parents."

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Percy sighed as he sipped his coke from his extra large cup. He walked out of the movies. Once again disappointed by the movie he just saw. To everyone else here the movie was new and interesting, but for Percy it was ancient history. Well maybe not ancient, but definitely old.

It was the end of May, a little over three months had passed by since Percy came back to 1994. He had spent most of that time being trained by Hecate so that he could take the wizarding world's exams and join their school so that he could wait till 2009 to return to his original timeline.

Although to be honest Percy did feel like simply snapping his wand and running away just to get rid of it all. It was interesting but a child can only endure so much before feeling like ending it all would be much better than enduring and suffering over and over again. But, Percy's indomitable spirit and his dedication to learning magic were keeping all these feelings at bay.

This was one of his off days. A day when Hecate allowed Percy to move about freely in Surrey and allow him to experience a mortal life. He got a day off every other week, and mostly Percy use that time to see a movie or walk around in the park. It helped take his mind off all the learning and cramming he was doing to catch up on his wizarding education.

Percy had decided to watch Godzilla, it had just been released in April and was doing pretty well. Percy had not seen this version of Godzilla in his original life but the story was pretty similar to all the other ones. It was enjoyable though and Percy didn't mind killing time.

Percy looked up and saw the sun setting in the distance, he didn't have to go home just yet, he still had some time for himself. He walked down the street when he saw a pair of boys and a pair of girls walk in front of him.

The woman looked around Percy's age, maybe a bit younger. Percy narrowed his eyes, the boys looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. One of the boys looked like a little rat, with large front teeth and a skinny frame, while the other was fat, like the size of a small whale fat. The small puff of hair on the top his head honestly looked like a toupee, and it's bowl cut hair style wasn't gaining him any favors.

"So did you like the movie Cassy?" the fat boy asked in a tone Percy recognized, the kid was head over heels in love. It was the same tone he used to have while talking to Annabeth. He remembered how Grover and Thalia used to roll their eyes at Annabeth and him. He honestly missed them all, Rachel with her blue hairbrush, Grover with his panpipes, Thalia with her kill barbie t-shirts and especially Annabeth with her blonde princess curls and the genius level intellect.

"It was really good," the girl, Cassy maybe, replied. She had black hair that came down to her shoulders. Her friend and her both wore a white shirt and black and green checked skirt, it looked like a school uniform.

"Yeah, thanks for the tickets fat ass," the other girl smirked. This one had brown hair with blonde streaks running through it. "Still don't understand how your parents let you spend so much money."

"Oh that's because little Dudley here is rich as fuck! All he has to do is put on an innocent face and mommy and daddy will come running to him!" The thin boy said with a snort.

"Shut up Piers! That's very rude!" Cassy scolded the boy.

"Bite me bitch."

"Is that anyway to talk to your sister?!"

"Only when she acts like a stuck up brat!"

"Apologize right now Piers! Or I swear to God I'll tell mom you skipped school today to come with us to the theater!"

"So what? You and Jenny will get in trouble too!"

"No, I won't, today was a half day for us, so we won't."

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