Chapter 15: "I don't have four ears and two brains!"

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It was finally the weekend. The seventh year Hufflepuffs wanted to wake up late. They wanted to sleep in their warm beds and fluffy pillows. Miguel dreamt about winning a first class order of Merlin. Gordon dreamt about living in a city made out of chocolate. Michael dreamt about getting married to a Veela. Juan dreamt about living on an island filled with exocitc women. Cedric dreamt about winning the triwizard tournament. All those dreams were about to be interrupted by an excited and overcharged demigod.

"WAKE UP! RISE AND SHINE BOYS!" Percy yelled at the top his lungs.

"AH! What?!" Gordon and the others jumped out of their beds as they looked around.

Percy stood in the middle of their dorm, fully dressed in a muggle hoodie and jeans with a backpack and a full, big smile. "Wake up lazy boys! You are supposed to be a part of the house of hard workers, not hard sleepers!"

"Percy! What the fuck mate?!" Michael groaned as he and the others rubbed their eyes awake, "It's a Saturday!"

"Yeah! A Saturday! And it's already 8 o'clock! We shouldn't waste away our weekends! Come on Michael! Where's your spirit of adventure?!"

"I left it during the weekdays," Michael growled as his eyes filled with pure hate.

"Percy, it's a Saturday, we don't get up on Saturdays. Do you understand?", Cedric grumbled through his sleepy voice.

"Oh, come on Cedric! It's a bright and sunny day!" Percy walked up to their window and grabbed the curtains, pulling them apart to let the bright and warm sun rays in through the window. The room immediately lit up as the unbiased Sun decided to light up every corner of the room it could.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Juan shouted as the sun rays entered the room, fighting away everyone's sleep as some of the boys tried to cover their face by their pillows or blankets.

"I hate you so much right now," Miguel growled.

"That's it, I say we tie him up and throw him into the black lake.", Gordon suggested looking positively murderous.

"Oh, come on you guys! This world is an amazing and beautiful place! Why do you want to waste away your week end here in this small room when we can be out exploring a magical castle?!" Percy pleaded.

"Percy, you are new here, so I'll let you off the hook. But for future note, I do not like being woken up early on weekends. I've been here for six years, I've done my fair share of exploration of the magical castle.", Gordon all but spit out.

"So, you are just going to laze around all day?!"

"Yes!", Gordon yelled as he threw his blanket over his head as he tried to go back to the realm of Morpheus.

Cedric groaned as he got up, "I'll join you. Just give me a second, I promised to meet Cho around noon anyway.", Gordon threw a pillow at Cedric's rising body, "We don't want to hear about your love life with Cho, Diggory!", Gordon's muffled shout made Cedric laugh as he returned the pillow to his roommate.

Percy smiled as he told Cedric that he'd be waiting for him in the common room. He took the rounding stairs down to the common room, finding it devoid of any people, most of the students were still sleeping and those who had woken up were out and about on the castle grounds or in the Great Hall. Percy sat at a chair, twirling the ball point he always carried with him between his fingers as he waited for Cedric to come down. He didn't have to wait for long as Cedric came down the stairs wearing a sweater and a pair of jeans.

"It isn't cold enough for a sweater yet, is it?", Percy voiced his question as Cedric neared him and Percy got up from the plush chair.

"Nah, it was the first thing I could find and I didn't want to make you wait for long.", Cedric smiled as the two boys walked out of the common room. The walked around the castle chatting about their classes and how they had been getting way too much homework to be able to enjoy themselves too much.

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