Chapter 13: "He's just happy because he caught Cho's eyes."

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Percy woke up early the next day and asked Cedric to show him where the bath was. Cedric, instead of leading him to the baths, told Percy about the fact that prefects had different baths and he hadn't used the normal one in a long time. Cedric told Gordon to take Percy to the baths instead.

After a nice hot shower, much to the irritation of Gordan who kept complaining Percy took too long, Percy unpacked his trunk and got dressed. He grabbed a small knapsack for himself and put his writing items inside it along with a book for light reading. He then grabbed Codagh's cage and made his way to the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was empty this time of day, there was no one here yet, other than a few people on the Ravenclaw table and a hand full of girls in Slytherin.

Percy sat down at his house's table and opened Codagh's cage. The elf owl hopped outside and Percy grabbed a plate for him filling it with bacon and vegetables.

"Here boy, the breakfast of champions," Percy pushed the plate to the owl.

The owl stared at Percy, hooting in response.

"Yes, everything, including the vegetable."

Codagh just kept staring at Percy with a open mouth.

"Don't start with me man, it's too early in the morning for that! Anyway after you're done, I need you to deliver a letter for me? Can you do that?"

Codagh gave a very aggressive hoot in response, his chest filling with air.

"Well I know, but it's quite far away, I'm not really sure where they are, so you might need to fly far."

Once again, the owl hooted. This time, it was joyful and happy. The owl seemed excited to carry the letters to far away places.

"Right, thanks," Percy used to feel strange talking to his owl, but from what Hecate told him it seemed Codagh was at least somewhat sentient as he was able to understand whatever Percy told him.

Codagh hooted happily again as he started pecking at the bacon, completely ignoring the vegetables.

"You better not leave those behind Codagh, Hecate will have my head and yours if you don't eat healthy."


"Yeah I'm serious, why do you think I won't be serious about this? Eat your veggies Codagh."

"Hoot! Hoot!"

"Because I am a human and I can make my own choices."


"Fine, I'll eat mine as well. But I swear if Hecate complains that you grew fat I'll tell her it's because you refused to do work."

Codagh hooted in response as he started pecking at the bacon once more. Perch shook his head in amusement as he looked at the owl eating the bacon.

Percy took out a piece of parchment and began writing a letter to Chanel and the other cheerleaders. He hadn't spoken to them in some time, he figured he should at least check up on them. The letter wasn't fancy, it was just a hello:

Hey there Chanel, Amanda, Catherine, Ula, Ebele!

Did you guys miss me? Sorry I haven't been able to talk much, I just recently got an owl to send mail through, his name is Codagh, be careful, he's an asshole. Or maybe he's just like that with me, I don't know. He likes my aunt very much, but hates me! What the hell, right? Who hates me? Everyone likes me! I'm only the most lovable man in the world!

Anyway, I don't really have a reason to write, just wanted to know how you five were doing. I just joined Hogwarts, part of the reason why I am so freaking busy lately, and things are fun. I joined Hufflepuff, the house of the loyal! I'm officially a Puff! Although that does make me sound like a pastry, so I'm thinking we should probably change it to something cooler.

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