Chapter 18: "I can't drown and my pancakes can't either!"

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That Saturday was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year. Percy was very excited to finally visit the village that all his friends had been talking about. He had woken up early in the morning, like he did on most mornings, but he was not alone this time as his roommates got up and got ready early too. All of the boys had bathed and worn normal everyday clothes instead of their robes, Percy had put on a blue hoodie over his school shirt while Cedric and Gordon were wearing their school sweaters over their shirts. Miguel and Juan had decided that they weren't feeling cold and had simply worn their shirts with jeans. Most of the girls were in the same getup- shirts and sweaters except for the fact that they were wearing skirts with stockings.

"Quills, a new imber pen, maybe a few more potions ingredient. . . Hmm, maybe I should get some more boards? Does Hogsmeade even have skateboards?" Percy answered Cedric's question about what he was going to get from Hogsmeade.

"I don't know? I've never tried looking for them." Cedric replied with a smile as the group waited for Heather and the other girls to come back from the washroom. The Hufflepuffs were all waiting at the main entrance, just like several other groups of students. There were a few Slytherins wearing the 'Potter Sucks' badges and a group of younger Ravenclaws also wearing the badges.

"Hey Percy!" Harry called out as the younger boy walked up to Percy with Susan.

Percy smiled as he walked away from his group by a few steps, "Harry, Susan, nice to see you both," Harry's face was covered in a red blush just like Susan's. It seemed as if it was the first date for both the children. Harry was wearing very baggy clothes that looked as if he had picked them up from a dumpster while Susan wore a very nice set of blue robes with a green scarf around her neck completing the look.

"Nice scarf there Susan," Percy said smiling.

Susan nodded, "thanks, I figured it might get cold later."

"So, you two enjoying your date?" Harry blushed an even deeper shade of red as he turned away from Susan and Percy.

"Yeah, I am." Susan said as she too turned a deeper shade of red, mirroring Harry's expression. Harry and Susan waited for their friends to arrive while Percy turned back to talk to his yearmates. He had yet to inform them about the fact that he had to spend the earlier part of the day with Fred and George, discussing their business venture. The Hufflepuffs took the news surprisingly well, as they said goodbye to Percy before walking towards Hogsmeade, laughing and talking amongst themselves.

Percy turned towards Harry and Susan and smiled as he saw them talking awkwardly. It seemed as if Harry didn't know what he was supposed to talk about while Susan was equally as confused. They stammered out words to each other as the others slowly started to trickle down from the Castle. Hermione was the first to arrive, greeting her friends as the Gryffindor chasers Angelina and Alicia arrived together. The girls began talking amongst themselves giving the son of Poseidon the perfect opportunity to pull Harry aside.

"Harry, why the hell are you wearing such shitty clothes?" Percy asked bluntly.

Harry looked down, not in embarrassment but shame, "These aren't mine. . . They're Dudley's."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "Okay, That's okay, no shame in that. But, those guys really need to treat you better." Percy sighed, he took out his wand and waved it over Harry's clothes shrinking them just a bit, making the outfit seem more form fitting. "There, sorry I couldn't change it more, but as you know I'm horrible at charms."

Harry looked down at his clothes and smiled, "No problem Percy, this is good."

"Yeah. . . but I can do one more thing," with another wave of his wand Percy transfigured Harry's oversized jacket into a hoodie similar to the one he wore. The one he made for Harry was grey with a golden and red Gryffindor crest on the chest. It hid the, still, slightly oversized shirt underneath. Harry gaped at the hoodie as he touched it, feeling for any fault, "Amazing! How good is your transfiguration?"

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