Chapter 14: "No! No please! Don't do that! You are the best owl ever!"

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On the second day of school Percy found himself running late. He had woken up late, stayed at breakfast for far too long and was now currently lost trying to get to class. And the worst part was that he was late for Potions class. His idea of making a good first impression of Snape had been drained down the toilet.

Percy groaned as he looked around frantically searching for the potions dungeon, all his friends had already left. They were too scared of Snape to wait for anyone.

Just then a whiff of something salty floated across the air. The neutral smell of the dungeon made the smell stand out even more. Percy stopped running and took a deep breath.

Percy recognized that ingredient instantly. Aconite was a widely used powerful ingredient used primarily for veritaserum. Percy turned a full 180 degrees, the smell was coming from right behind. He immediately started running towards the source of the scent. He sniffed the air again and again, slowly drawing near. He turned a corner and saw a double door wide open with a class inside. Percy grinned as he charged inside, crossing the threshold mere moments before the bell rang signaling the start of class.

"Yes!" Percy pumped his fist, "I made it!"

The students that had already arrived turned around had stared at Percy. The demigod noticed that most of them were Slytherin or Ravenclaw with only a handful of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. Of the students already there, he knew Heather and Gordon.

"Hey guys, damn, that was close huh? Did the professor arrive yet?", Percy asked waving at them. However they didn't wave back. They looked scared. Heather had a frightened look on her face while Gordon was trying extremely hard not to burst out laughing.

Percy blinked comically, "Don't tell me. He's right behind me, isn't he?"

"Indeed, he is," came a dragging voice from behind Percy.

Slowly the demigod turned around and was face to face with a man who had a hook like nose and greasy hair. The man was shorter than Percy, but his glare made Percy feel very, very small.

Percy gulped as he put on his best smile, "H-hello sir."

"Mr. Jackson," the man replied coldly, "You were almost late."

"Almost being the keyword," Percy smiled. But Snape did not. Percy's smile slowly disappeared, "I'm sorry sir. I'm still not used to the castle's lay out, I got lost a few times."

"You should have asked one of your housemates to show you to your class," Snape stepped past Percy, walking inside.

"They weren't really free," Percy scratched his head, "Plus they were scared of being late themselves."

"Typical Hufflepuff behaviour," Snape snarled, "5 points from Hufflepuff."

"Wait seriously? For what?"

Snape glared at Percy, "For your obvious inability to take this class seriously. Now take your seat, or do you wish to make that 10 points?"

"No! Your wish is my command!", Percy called out as he ran towards the free seat next to the Gordon and Heather. He saw Snape glare at him, but the man turned around ignoring Percy and the other students.

"As you all know only the finest brewers are allowed in my class. As such only those who managed to pass the sixth year examinations with an EE or O have been allowed in my class. You will all pay this class the attention it needs or be removed from it." Snape shot Percy a glare, "Tardiness in this class is not allowed. All of you are supposed to take the NEWTs this year, and if I deem you bad enough to not be able to pass the exam, I will not allow you to take the NEWT for Potions."

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