Chapter 25: "Stupid mortals, thinking they can teach my student better than me."

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The next week sped by fast. Percy spent his time with his friends of Fleur. Fleur and Percy had found their haven in The Forest. She had taken to the room like it was her own, she even had her own corner now that had been separated from the rest of The Forest by a privacy screen. The Felix Felicis was coming along very nicely and Percy's quick quills were still selling fast. Most of the time Percy and Fleur spent together was spent talking instead of making out. Percy wanted to know everything about Fleur and it seemed that vice versa was true too.

The French champion had found out the clue a few days after Christmas and was now hard at work trying to decode it. She had asked Percy if he had something prepared for the test but he had told her that it was a secret while winking.

Over the past week, Percy had kept a close eye on Harry. The demigod was trying to help his junior help figure out the clue but after several failed clues and hints, Percy had told him the clue outright. He had also offered to brew him a potion to survive cold water. The boy who lived was grateful for the help and had told him that he would try to figure something out on his own.

Percy still had correspondence with the cheerleaders. They often exchanged letters. The cheerleaders were currently in Italy. Surprisingly, Ferrari also participated in the Italian quidditch league and had hired them for the team. Fleur no longer cared about the fact that he was writing to the Veelas. She knew that Percy loved her. Hecate had stopped replying to his letters completely, which worried Percy before he remembered that she was the goddess of magic and was probably busy.

Every student was now dreading the end of vacations. Hogwarts was about the start classes again. It was the last day of vacation and students were hurrying up to complete the homework that they had procrastinated, many were going on dates with their significant others and the rest, like Percy Jackson, were having lunch in the Great Hall with their friends.

The Hufflepuff table was full of laughter and chats as the seventh year students sar with their Beauxbatons counterparts having lunch. The plates were filled with delicious steaming food as the Hogwarts pupils quenched their hunger. Percy delighted in an American lunch, opting for a timeless bacon cheeseburger accompanied by golden, crispy fries. Each bite was complemented by sips of refreshing iced tea. He had been feeling homesick and had indulged himself in a classic American lunch that finished with the rich, comforting flavors of a slice of apple pie.

Fleur, however, indulged herself in the savory wizarding delicacy of butterbeer-glazed roast chicken, accompanied by magical sides that appeared on her whim. A glass of pumpkin juice was in her hand.

Percy threw a fry at Juan's head. He was staring at Fleur's hickey covered neck.
"Keep your eyes off her perv!" Percy joked as Fleur looked down and found her neck once again exposed revealing several hikes along her neck. She growled as she put her collar button on once more, "I 'ate you."

"No you don't," Percy sighed as he went back to his meal.

"How come Fleur's always the one who's covered in hickeys?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, what's the matter Fleur, don't like showing your true feelings?" Camille teased. Fleur grumbled something under her breath. "What's that?" Camille sked.

"I zaid I can't give 'im one," Fleur growled, "his zkin'z too t'ick. It'z like giving a rock wall a bruize."

Percy sighed, "Such is my curse," the curse of achilles had made his skin harder than steel. Nothing that Percy had fought had been able to penetrate it yet. It also used to tire him out and make him sleepy, but that had stopped since he had been sent back in time. Percy didn't know why and made a mental note to ask Hecate in his next letter.

"That's so sad," Juan cried, "one person who can't stop expressing his love and the other who can't express hers. Such a tragic couple."

Fleur glared at Juan shutting him up while the rest of them laughed.

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