Chapter 12: "One always has a choice, even when they think there isn't one."

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Percy spent some time with the twins and the chasers listening to them speak about their summers. The twins seemed to be dating Angelina and Alicia and spent most of their time making romantic faces at each other.

Katie groaned as George and Angelina started to flirt again, "I swear they get worse every year. They should just get together and get it over with."

"Most people like the chase much more the relationship," Percy supplied as Alicia slapped Fred across the face when he wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her.

"Yeah, but it gets old real fast," Katie groaned, "Seriously, every time I was with them I had to pretend to read a book and act like nothing ever happened. It was such pain in the ass, especially because Angelina likes to moan, loudly."

"Hey!" the dark skinned chaser yelled, "Knock it off!"

"Why? It's the truth!" Katie and Percy laughed.

"Well, relax. If you ever want someone to distract you while the twins suck off your friends' faces, I'll be more than happy to help. I could even help you distract the twins.", Percy smiled at her.

Katie giggled while the twins glared at Percy.

"So Percy tell us something about yourself," Alicia asked pushing Fred away who whined like a hurt puppy, which Alicia ignored.

"Well let's see, I love magic, for one!"

"Welcome to the club!" George grinned.

"My favorite subject is potions, it's one of the first types of magic I learnt and I'm pretty good at. Why are you all looking at me like I have something on my face, I don't, do I?", Percy wiped his face on his hands, trying to get rid of what he thought was on his face.

The Gryffindors all groaned. "It's because you are screwed my friend," Fred explained.

"You see our potions master is a difficult man," Angelina explained.

"What she means to say is that he's an arse," Alicia snorted.

"He's the head of Slytherin house and hates every Gryffindor and Hufflepuff," George nodded.

"Oh yeah, you guys told me about him.", Percy pointed towards Katie and Alicia, "Though, I didn't think it was that bad."

"It is extremely bad." they all said as one causing Percy to wince.

"Didn't Harry tell you about this?" Fred asked.

"I never asked him," Percy groaned, "I wanted to be surprised. What about runes and arithmancy?"

"Not bad," Alicia nodded, "I used to take both the classes, but I'll be dropping them this year, too hard, but hey, if that's what you want go right ahead. Anyway, Arithmancy is taught by Septima Vector, good, but kind off an oddball. And Runes is taken by Bathsheda Babbling."

"Ah, professor Babbling," Fred sighed, "The angel of Hogwarts."

Percy looked at him with a confused expression, "What do you mean?"

Katie sighed, "Professor Babbling is very popular among the older boys. She's.. Well...."

"She's hot!" George yelled out only for Angelina to elbow him in the ribs. George rubbed his ribs in pain, "but not more beautiful than you, dear."

Angelina huffed, "I swear you boys are all the same! What's so special about her anyway?"

"You mean apart from her giant-" Fred stopped halfway as he felt Alicia staring at him, daring to complete the sentence. The redhead gulped, "-brain. Her giant brain. She became a professor right after she graduated Hogwarts, so obviously she's like a genius or something."

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