Chapter 19: "It looks like piss Fleur!"

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Percy looked at the yellow and orange jelly bean between his fingers and groaned, "I so hate you."

Fleur laughed, "Itz your turn! Stop being a whimp!"

"It looks like piss Fleur!"

"And? You made me eat ze pepper flavour!"

"This might be piss flavour! How is that fair?!"

The french veela rolled her eyes, "I don't think zat's pozzible Perzy."

"It say 'every flavour beans', doesn't it? Why wouldn't there be every flavour?"

"Quit stalling!" Fleur shouted sophisticatedly. She was wearing the silk uniforms all Beauxbatons students did, but as usual, she was looking more beautiful in them than anyone else. She seemed to suck the light out of any room she walked into. Percy had seen several heads turn whenever she entered the Great Hall.

Percy sighed as he closed his sea green eyes before pinching his nose to block out the scent of the bean. He took a deep breath before he swallowed the bean whole. The demigod chewed it slowly, waiting for it to kick in. He crushed the bean and suddenly was hit with a wave of fish. Percy's eyes flew open, going wide, he put his head over the window and spat it out.

"It was fish!" Percy cursed, "I ate fish! Gods, I hate this game!"

Fleur laughed, "You were ze one who zuggested it!" They were sitting on the fifth floor corridor along one of the open window rails. They sat on the windowsill side by side, their hands brushing against each other as they leaned on the railing behind them. There was a steep fall of green ground and a few rocks from the window, but the two teenagers did not seem to mind.

"Well, I was clearly mad when I suggested it," Percy groaned as he looked at Fleur who was grinning at him, she seemed to get joy from teasing the American boy. The pair of champions had started to spend more time with each other, talking about their lives or what they had been studying. They were trying to get to know each other better, and even though they spent a good chunk of their days with each other, the topic of the first task had not entered their conversation yet. They both seemed to be actively ignoring the Triwizard tournament.

Percy shook the box of every flavoured beans in his hands and turned them to Fleur, "Your turn."

The french veela sighed, she turned to Percy and pouted, "Do I 'ave to?"


She deepened the pout, "But I might get zomething icky!"

"And? So did I!"

"It waz just fis'!"

"I hate fish!"

"Sacre bleu! You are mizzing out on a lot! Fis' is one of ze best things zat has ever come out of ze sea!"

"No, Fleur the best thing that has ever come out of the sea is me," Percy smirked, "now, eat tweety bird."

Fleur huffed, "I 'ate the fact that you are immune to my allure." Percy laughed as Fleur closed her eyes as she mimicked Percy's past actions- pinching her nose closed and making a disgusted face. She put her free hand into the box and pulled out a green and brown bean. She opened her eyes and nearly gagged at the sight, "O' my God! Not zis again!"

"What flavour is it?" Percy asked excited.

"Tree bark," Fleur spat out, removing her hand from her nose and she turned to Percy once more and pouted, "Do I 'ave to do zis?"




"I'll do anything!"

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