Chapter 23: "Yeah right, at best you're the peasant of Hogwarts."

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Percy nestled into the cocoon of his warm blanket on that crisp November morning, a sanctuary from the chill that danced outside. The fabric, like a comforting embrace, wrapped around him, creating a haven of coziness. The cold air pressed against the windows, but within the folds of the blanket, Percy felt shielded, insulated from the outside world.

As he burrowed deeper, the gentle heat trapped beneath the layers of the blanket seeped into his bones, dispelling the morning cold. His breath formed small clouds in the air, evidence of the temperature contrast between the snug haven and the wintry landscape beyond. The softness of the blanket against his skin offered a tactile delight, a refuge from the biting chill that lingered in the room.

The subtle rustle of the fabric, the rhythmic beat of Percy's heart, and the distant whispers of wind outside created a symphony of comfort.

He reluctantly got out of the warm embrace of his heavy, black blanket. He rubbed his eyes as he rotated his head to take a look at the surrounding beds. It seemed that none of his friends had woken up yet. He yawned as his feet hit the cold wooden floor. He silently cast a warmth charm on himself as he walked towards the baths. The common room was still empty this early in the morning, just like the hallways and the bathroom.

Nobody noticed the son of Poseidon as he walked out of the Hogwarts castle, his hands in his robe's pocket. Even with the charm, he was still feeling cold. The curse of Achilles seemed to reduce the effects of the glacial November air, but it still wasn't enough. As Percy had expected, the fog covered school grounds were devoid of people too. He could spot the shadow of the groundskeeper's hut through the thick shadow. The Hogwarts slowly made his way over to the Black Lake. The clue that the egg had given him prompted the young boy to talk to the occupant of the big lake- Nick the giant squid. If the next task was to happen in the lake, he would definitely be able to help. Percy did not bother to take off his clothes as he dived into the lake, one of the perks of being the son of the god of seas was that he would only get wet when he wanted to. Perseus swam leisurely, he could go faster than a shark in the water but the lazy morning made him want to take it slow. Unlike the rest of Hogwarts, it seemed that Nick the squid was already up.

"Hey Nick," he called out to the squid using the telepathic connection he could use to talk to any sea dwelling creature.

"Greetings Lord Perseus," the squid called back with respect evident in the telepathic voice. The entire lake seemed to vibrate as the giant squid also made sone noises outside of the demigod's mind.

"What did I tell you about calling me Lord?" The son of Sally Jackson scolded the giant squid as if it were a dog.

"To not to," the squid sounded like a baby who had lost his toy.

"Exactly. I need your help with something,"

"I'd be happy to help you Lord Perseus! Anything you say!" The squid sounded excited to be able to help the son of his ruler. The demigod sighed under the water, he could not get Nick to stop calling him Lord. It reminded him of Blackjack and his fondness with calling the son of Poseidon, 'Boss'. Percy missed his loyal steed.

"Do you know about the Triwizard tournament?" He asked Nick as he smiled fondly at the memory of his Pegasus.

"Yes, I heard the merpeople talk about it a few months ago!" Nick sounded absolutely elated at knowing something Percy wanted him to.

"There are merpeople in the lake?" Percy asked in amazement, he had not expected that.

"Yes, they have occupied the lake since before me,"

"Could you take me to them?" According to the demigod, they were the only ones in the lake with enough intelligence to communicate with wizards. Though, merpeople were prideful and probably not bend to the wishes of the wizards to hold a tournament for them.

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