"I want him buried with honor, publicly in the Temple of the Graces." Daenerys said and Mossador smirked.

"The Sons of the Harpy will hear that message." Ser Barriston said.

"Make them very angry." Mossador said.

"Angry snakes tend to lash out." Davion said. "It makes chopping their heads that much easier."

Daenerys nodded. "Find the men who did this and bring them to me." She ordered.

"Your grace." Ser Barriston bowed.

"Davion wait." Daenerys said and he watched as everyone else left. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'll be better once we get rid of these monsters." Davion said.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so angry." Daenerys said. "Tell me what's bothering you."

Davion sighed and looked at her. "These men took Thorak to get to me, and wanted to kill me to get to....you."

"Davion." Daenerys tried to touch him, but he stepped back.

"You should prepare yourself to receive Hizdahr and Dario." He said and walked away. Daenerys sighed. She wanted so badly for Davion to forgive her, but she knew that would take time. She loved him and she hurt him, but she didn't know how to fix this.


Throne room

Daenerys sat on her throne as she heard Hizdahr speak. Ser Barriston was on her right and Grey Worm was on her left

"Our mission to Yunkai was a resounding success." Hizdahr said. "The wise masters of Yunkai have agreed to cede power to a council of elders made up of both freed men and the former slaveholders. All matters of consequence will be brought to you for review."

"Good." Daenerys said.

"They did ask for some concessions." Hizdahr said.

"Concessions?" Daenerys inquired.

"Politics is the art of compromise, your grace." Hizdahr said.

"I'm not a politician." Daenerys reminded him. "I'm a queen."

"Forgive me." Hizdahr apologized. "You're right, of course. Still it's easier to rule happy subjects than angry ones."

"I don't expect the wise masters to be happy." Daenerys said. "Slavery made them rich and I ended slavery."

"They do not ask for the return of slavery." He said. "They ask for the reopening of the fighting pits."

This made Daenerys' blood boil. She remembered how Missandei told her about the arena that Davion was forced to fight in. The men that he killed and the joy it brought the masters.

"The fighting pits? Where slaves fought slaves to the death?" She asked

"In the new world that you've brought to us, free men would fight free men." Hizdahr pointed out. "The pit fighters you liberated plead for this opportunity. Bring some here and ask them yourself ."

Daenerys saw Dario play with his dagger and smirk at her. She quickly ignored him and turned attention back to Hizdahr.

"No fighting pits." Daenerys dismissed. She didn't want Davion to relive that horror again.

"Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Mereen that you respect their traditions." Hizdahr argued.

"I do not respect the tradition of human cockfighting." Daenerys said.

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