30| Coming Out: Part II

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WARNING: This chapter contains racial and homophobic slurs and minor violence. If this makes you feel uncomfortable or if this triggers you in any way, please proceed with caution.

Chase and Marcus were sitting in the courtyard, books surrounding them and knees pressed together.

"The women's rights movement led to the destruction of several train tracks and lots of dead women." Marcus was saying. Chase nodded in agreement, but was too distracted by Marcus's mouth to say anything. Marcus grinned.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah," Chase nodded again, his hands wandering slightly.

"Chase," Marcus pushed his hands away, trying not to flush. "Pay attention."

"Yes, sir." Chase leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Marc's jawline.

"This is pointless," Marcus sighed. "We're getting nowhere."

"I'd say we're getting somewhere..."

Marcus laughed and returned his kiss, their lips momentarily touching.

"Hey, faggots."

Marcus and Chase lurched apart rigidly.

Brick and his posse were standing in front of them, blocking the sunlight and generally looking like douchebags.

Marcus peered up at them, feeling slightly sarcastic. "Just stay right there. You're giving me some good shade."

Brick snarled "Watch it, gayass."

"Really?" Marcus examined his nails. "That's the best you could come back with? I hate to say this but I really expected more of you."

Brick clenched his fists. "You're fucking dead." He turned to Chase. "You're off the team, Lovelorn. We can't have a queer on the field."

"Hey!" Marcus snapped. "Watch your tone."

"Fuck you, Welker."

Marcus stood up. "Just tell me when and where."

He didn't even have time to breathe. Brick had swung his fist forward and had knocked him flat down.

"Marc!" Chase stepped forward.

"We're fucking tired of this," Brick spat. "This is Texas, bitches."

Marcus groaned. "You must be taking steroids. It explains the fact that your dick is the size of my pinky."

"Suck it, Welker."

"I've seen carrots bigger than your penis," he sneered. Chase only had a moment to marvel at the fact that Marcus was returning insults like a pro before Brick had sent his foot into Marc's side.

"Stop!" Chase shoved Brick with all of his might, unspeakable anger tearing through him.

Until this moment, Brick's little group of friends had remained stationary, but at Chase's push, they stepped forward together, looking like huge trolls.

"I beat you up before, Lovelorn," Brick threatened. "I'll do it again."

"Come on then!"

"Marcus!" Bella's voice came out of nowhere, high pitched and panicked. She was running towards the group, Winnie, Lucy, and Haydn not far behind. All four of the girls looked angry and terrified.

"Back up!" Winnie ordered, her eyes fiery and her hand coming up to distribute space.

"Don't tell me what to do, Humphrey." Brick grabbed her wrist and pushed her away.

"Hey!" Haydn protested. "Don't touch her!"

Brick made a grave mistake when he grabbed Haydn's arm and threw her to the ground. She cried out in pain and fell against the gravel.

"Haydn!" Winnie gasped.

"Ow," her eyes filled with tears. No one noticed Lucy scampering towards the school building.

Bella until then had been kneeling next to Marcus, but she stood and gritted her teeth. "How dare you?"

Brick laughed maniacally. "How dare I? Fuck you, bitch. I do what I want!"

"God, why do you even exist?" She sneered. "Get fucked."

"Skank." Brick spat in her face.

About two things happened in that moment. The first was that Lucy returned, followed by Adam, Kyle, and Noah. The second was that Kyle took no time at all in seeing that Haydn was on the ground, her knees bleeding and her eyes tear-filled. His panic and confusion switched to absolute fury like lightning.

"What the fuck is going on?" He barked, standing over Haydn and Winnie. Adam knelt next to the girls, eyes flitting over their person.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

They both nodded shakily, and Winnie pointed to Bella, who was wiping spit out of her eyes.

Adam stood again, his jaw clenching.

"You're despicable." He told Brick, moving to step in front of Bella. "Get out of here."

"I'm not going anywhere until I deal with them." Brick pointed to Marcus and Chase. "Your faggot friends are going to hell. I might as well help them get there!"

"No!" Bella screamed.

Marcus laughed, following Adam's lead and stepping in front of Bella. "I feel sorry for you, Brick."

"Go back to the cotton fields, queer."

Everyone froze, even Brick's minions. They looked at each other in horror and took a step back.

"Dude," Derek whispered. "Too far."

Marcus felt sick to his stomach. Everyone was too shocked to move. Brick seemed to realize that what he had just said had some effect on the group, because he laughed.

"God, you're all losers."

Bella took a step forward, gripped Brick's shoulders, and with tremendous force, shoved her knee into his groin.

Everyone heard the crack. Everyone winced. Brick doubled over, turning green.

He choked, and turned to the left, vomiting onto the concrete.

The Toolbox scattered to avoid getting vomit all over their shoes.

Brick clutched his stomach and fell over, curling into the fetal position.

"Bitch." Bella kicked him again for good measure, her bright red Prada heel striking his ribcage.

"Bella..." Marcus looked at her in awe. "That was fierce."

Adam looked down at Brick, touching him hesitantly with the edge of his shoe. "He's not moving. We should go before he gets up."

Kyle wrapped an arm around Haydn and hoisted her up. "You ok?"

"Yeah," she turned to Marcus and Bella. "You guys ok?"

Bella grimaced. "I think so. Just shaken up."

Kyle looked down at Brick in disgust. "Let's get out of here."

"What about them?" Lucy asked delicately, peering around Noah's tall form to look at Derek and Lance. Both of them looked terrified.

Derek held up his hands in defeat. "We don't want any trouble."

Adam thought for a minute about what he wanted to say. Finally he spoke.

"Spread the word. The Toolbox doesn't take kindly to people who mess with them."

• • • • •

By the end of the day, the entire school knew that the Toolbox had beat Brick to a pulp.

And everyone seemed ok with that.

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