18| Study Date

71 4 0

Ever since their date, Winnie had been making excuses to talk with Adam, sit with Adam, be with Adam.

She didn't really understand why she was doing this, but something about it seemed to connect to the fact that she did find him attractive and intelligent.

"Hey," she greeted him Thursday morning. "I totally lost my astronomy notes, can I borrow yours?"

He grinned. "You keep losing things, Win. One of these days I'm not going to give you the notes and you're going to fail miserably."

She punched him playfully in the arm. "Shut up. You wouldn't do that."

"True," he handed over his notes. "Speaking of which, we still need to make up that awful date."

"Figure something out and I'll be game." She flipped through his notebook, but he stopped her. His hands wrapped around her wrists and he pulled her closer.

"Since you seem so keen to borrow my notes, why don't we take a study date? I need to finish some extra credit astronomy work. There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight." His light blue eyes seemed to catch in the artificial hallway lighting. A smirk was tilting his pink mouth.

"That sounds p-perfect." Her stutter didn't go unnoticed by the gorgeous boy. He raised an eyebrow and took a step away from her.

"See you 'round Winfred." His smirk remained permanent as he turned to walk away...

• • • • •

...Close by, Cameron and Toby looked at each other in surprise.

"That was unexpected..." Toby looked amused.

"I... He... We didn't even have to mess with anything... He just... asked her." Cameron sounded slightly hurt. "I don't know whether to be disappointed or proud."

"Both." Toby nodded.

"Both." Cameron agreed.

• • • • •

In Texas the stars are visible every night. Living in a small town with a lot of cotton fields and pecan orchards has its advantages.

Adam lived right next to one such pecan orchard, so his home was mostly excluded. The closest neighboring house was a mile down the road...

• • • • •

... Cameron considered herself the luckiest girl in the world due to the fact that she conveniently lived in the neighboring house down the road from Adam. She and Toby peered out her bedroom window with matching pairs of binoculars...

• • • • •

Winnie walked up the Matthews' front pathway and knocked politely on the door.

Adam opened it almost immediately, his glasses slipping down his nose. He smiled nervously.

"Hey," she tittered.

"Hey." He ran a hand through his hair. "I set up some blankets on the roof. We can head up there now."

She followed him through the house, only stopping to say a quick hello to his mother and to admire his 8 month old baby sister, Annie.

They trooped up the stairs and into his room. Winnie had been in here before, but always with Kyle and/or Chase. It seemed weird being in his room alone with him.

He opened the balcony doors for her and she walked through, climbing up the ladder he had perched against the siding. He gripped her waist as he climbed up after her, and her skin tingled.

A few fleece blankets were laid out on the flattest part of the roof and Winnie made herself comfortable. Adam scooted close to her, laying back with his face to the sky. She admired his features for a moment before following his example and letting her back rest against the blankets.

"We should be able to see the stars soon," he told her.

The horizon cleared suddenly, revealing a velvet black sky and a multitude of stars. Winnie inhaled as she looked up at the bright constellations.

They were silent, but after a minute, Adam spoke.

"Look," he pointed to a meteor as it streaked a path across the sky.

"Beautiful," she murmured.

"Yeah," Adam agreed, but when she turned to look at him, she realized that he wasn't staring at the stars but at her. He was laying on his side with his hand propped against his cheek.

Her breath caught in her throat when he leaned in and pressed his soft lips gently to hers.

For a moment, they stayed like that, their mouths connected, barely touching, soft and perfect. But then he broke away, eyes wide. Winnie didn't know what was going on, but it was very confusing.

"I..." His words were a jumbled mess. "I'm sorry, Win. I just- I..."

She sat up, clearing her throat. "I should go."

Without waiting for his reply, she slipped off the roof, climbing down the ladder and running through his room, down the hall, down the stairs, through the front entrance, out the door.

When she looked back, he was still sitting on the roof, his features unreadable.

• • • • •

Cameron slowly set her binoculars down, her features twisted. Toby was still staring out the window, an expression of utter shock making her mouth fall open.

Both girls were completely silent as they thought about what had just happened.

"Did he just... Did he just kiss her?" Cameron asked, unsure of what she had seen.

"Yep," Toby turned towards her best friend. "Yep."

Cameron nodded. "Ok."

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