1| Operation Love Plot

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Location: South Finley High School

Cameron Bower was bored.

It had been a solid two weeks and she'd had an alarming amount of time on her hands, due to a significant lack of single people in South Finley HS.

To anyone unfamiliar with her unique situation, that statement would have sounded suspicious. You can't say 'Sorry for my lack of enthusiasm, Mrs. Teacher! I haven't played matchmaker in weeks and am feeling hyperextended' without getting a few curious looks.

So C kept her head down and tried to remain calm. Her fingers shook as she put in the code to her locker and retrieved her books. Her teeth clenched as she watched Danny Jones and Sarah Hill hold hands and gaze into each other's eyes. It made her sick. She wanted to scream 'Get a room!' -Although two weeks ago, she had been the one getting them a room.

...Cameron was feeling slightly twitchy.

"Get over yourself." Toby Olsen, a recyclable drink tray in hand, sidled up to her locker and gave her best friend a knowing look. Wordlessly she handed the taller girl one of the plastic cups nestled in the tray. T had been bringing Cameron coffee every Monday morning since the ninth grade, and the redhead had gotten slightly addicted to the caffeine.

"What?" C snapped. Although she accepted the coffee gratefully and craned her neck to watch the loving couple ten feet away from her share a tender kiss.

"I know you're anxious." Toby pulled her calculus book from the top shelf in her locker and slammed the door, shuffling the book and tray into her arms and turning to frown at Cameron. "But, I think it's time for us to hang up our belts. We've done enough."

"No we haven't!" Cameron argued, feeling slightly defensive and lashing out because of it. Her fingers felt warm against the styrofoam cup. "Toby, it's our senior year. We need to do something big!"

Toby shook her head, a sad little smile etching the corner of her mouth. "Face it, C. There isn't anybody left to match up."

Cameron sighed, running a hand through her ginger hair. "We both know that's not true."

As if pulled by an invisible force, both girls turned their heads to look down the hall.

A group of girls and guys was standing in a clump around the steps, laughing and smiling. Two of the boys were wrestling and a few of the girls giggled as they watched them.

At South Finley High, the school wasn't run by a classic trio of mean girls. Instead, the "Toolbox", a collection of four girls and five guys, held the court. They were a relatively nice group of kids, despite a few flaws. One of those unfortunate flaws happened to be the fact that they were all single and had remained that way since the start of high school. To "put the cherry on top" so to speak, they were extremely secretive about their lives outside of their clump of friends, and seemed to have no interest in dating whatsoever.

Cameron watched the group with reverent jealousy, her eyes falling to each of them individually.

Lucy Lovelorn was the youngest in the Toolbox, a pretty sophomore with big doe-brown eyes and a soft attitude. She'd been labeled the Toolbox's "Sweetheart" and had only just been accepted amongst their ranks last year because her older brother, Chase Lovelorn had been a part of the Toolbox since 9th grade. He was a senior and had taken the title "Princely Jock"- a fitting description due to the fact that he participated in a wide range of sports and retained god-like, golden features.

Standing behind Lucy like a bodyguard was her closest friend Noah Broke, an enormously proportioned boy with thick muscles and a slightly vague expression on his face. He was, and always would be, the "Strong and Silent" type, because of the way he stood at a slightly menacing stature and talked very little.

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