23| Silent Forgiveness

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Cameron was visibly shaken, her legs trembling as she exited vehicle and knelt on the ground.

Her breath came in gasps and her heart pounded unevenly against her freckled chest.

"Oh my fuck," she whined. "Oh my fuck."

The gravel left imprints on her hands as she stood, slid back into the driver's seat, and drove away.

• • • • •

Cameron managed to get to her house before she started to cry. The overwhelming guilt of what had happened crushed down on her and she could do nothing more than sit on the bottom step of her back porch and sob.

With an ear-splitting screech, a familiar-looking car pulled sloppily up the drive, impatiently parking halfway. Toby opened the driver's door and slammed it shut as she marched up the path.

"Toby-" Cameron started, but her best friend held up a shaking hand.

"That was a dick move," she spat.

"It wasn't my fault!"

"How the fuck wasn't that your fault? I saw everything. You nearly ran her over, Cameron!" Her eyes widened. "We could get arrested."

"No!" C panicked. "We're not going to get arrested. It was an accident. She came out of nowhere!"

Toby bit her tongue. "You're taking this too far, Cam! Gosh, I can't believe this." She crossed her arms. "I'm shutting this down."

Cameron felt like she was going to be sick. "You can't," she begged.

"It's gone too far. I'm coming clean."

"Toby, please don't. If you do, we really will get into trouble."

"That's YOUR FAULT!" Toby exploded. Cameron visibly shrank back. She had never seen Toby act so vicious.

"Toby, I'm sorry," she pleaded. "Don't make me do this on my own."

The smaller girl crossed her arms.

"We're so close." Cameron held out a hand. "Please, T."

"Shut up." Toby sighed. "After this is over, we're done for good. Got it?"

Cameron could only nod, the lump in her throat so large it kept her from speaking. She took a deep breath to steady herself, trying to get her pulse to slow down. Toby huffed and sat down next to the redhead.

"I know it wasn't your fault." She muttered. "I'm sorry I overreacted."

Cam shook her head. "You had every right to." She let her hand slide into Toby's.

Both girls sat quietly, their hands interlocking together like puzzle pieces. The silence was forgiveness enough.

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