13| SFHS Radio

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Heavy music blared from Haydn's car speakers. She sat in the front seat, her face buried in Kyle's jacket, her teeth clenched and her body tense.

She was so confused...

A familiar voice spoke as the music ended. "That was Jungle by Jamie N Commoms and X Ambassadors. We're here live on the SFHS Radio Station. This is your host Kyle Jensen. Up next, Muse, Panic!, and- just recently off of hiatus- Fall Out Boy after this commercial break..."

• • • • •

...Cameron felt like the theme song to Pink Panther should be playing right about now.

She and Toby crept along the B Wing hallway, stopping just outside a door at the very end. A sign on the plaque beside it read 'SFHS Radio'. Toby peeked through the crack in the door, motioning towards Cameron.

"He's not in there. Let's go!"

Both of them scurried inside, shutting the door behind them. A stream of commercials was currently playing, but Toby located the computer and examined the screen.

"I think these are the ones he's playing next." She clicked through the file, recognizing Muse and a few others. "Let's do this quickly."

"All we have to do is switch out his songs, for some of Haydn's favorites. I know she listens to his channel. Do you have the override flash drive?"

Toby reluctantly handed over the small drive. "I gave Jack Benson my hall pass for a week to get this. It better work."

"Don't worry," Cameron assured. "It'll definitely work."

She searched a couple of songs up and dragged them into the queue. Then she plugged the drive into the computer and downloaded the virus.

"The flash drive will stop him from stopping the songs once they've started."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

Cameron rolled her eyes. "Trust me."

Just as they were about to leave, the door swung open and Kyle walked in, a cup of coffee in one hand and his headphones in the other.

Toby clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming and ducked down under the desk, sliding as far as she could towards the back. Cameron yanked the drive out of its slot, dove towards the couch, and managed to squeeze behind it, her red hair disappearing after a moment.

Kyle was humming a tune as he sat down at the desk, his boots inches away from Toby's face. She held her breath, heart pounding. From her position, she could just barely see Cameron, who was peeking out from behind the couch, eyes wide with terror.

Help! Toby mouthed.

Kyle shuffled around for a bit. Just as the last commercial finished he clicked the ON button and pulled the microphone down to his mouth. "We're back! I'm your host for the evening, Kyle Jensen, and this is Supremacy by Muse."

• • • • •

"...this is Supremacy by Muse."

Haydn almost changed the channel, but the starting notes of the song made her freeze. Her eyes widened and her finger stilled above the dial.

The song playing was definitely NOT Muse. It wasn't even punk rock.

• • • • •

The coldest train car
Three o'clock at dark
Remember alcohol and dancing
Our friends are gone now
She chose me to take her home
I guess that's all I ever wanted...

"What the fuck??" Kyle tried to click the pause button, but the music kept playing.

I just can't believe
That you chose a guy like me...

He tried to minimize the screen, but the entire thing had frozen up. Frantically he repeatedly clicked the ESC button- like that would do anything.

Oh, no matter where you go
I will go down that road
The one that takes you home
After the party's done
And all is well, but I'm scared as hell
That you won't like me in the morning
Oh, that you won't like me
The way I like you...

Kyle had to admit that the song was pretty good- no, focus! Focus, Kyle. He was about to restart the computer when his phone went off. He picked it up immediately, recognizing the ringtone.

"Haydn, hey!"

"You're playing my song!" She was practically screaming.

"Uh, what?"

The coldest train car
Chilly Friday night
Hope she holds on to what I told her
The boys around her take a second look
She made the choice--the night is over...

"This is my favorite song! I can't believe you're playing it!" He could hear her jumping around, but he wasn't paying attention to that.

"You listen to my station?" He was feeling slightly embarrassed, but in a happy sort of of way.

"Of course! I didn't know you even liked AJR."

I just can't believe
That you chose a guy like me...

"Um, yeah." He ran a hand through his hair. "I guess it just kind of... came to me?"

"Well it's perfect," she gushed. "If you played a wider variety of music- not just punk and rock, you'd have a lot more listeners."

Kyle took the chance as soon as he understood. "Maybe you can help me?" He tried not to sound too hopeful.

"I'd love to!" He could already see her beautiful smile. "Let's get coffee tomorrow and we can discuss it then. OK?"

"Sounds awesome."

They exchanged goodbyes. As soon as she hung up, he fist pumped, pushing off from the desk and spinning around in his wheeled chair.

Maybe he wasn't ready to admit it, but as he went to another commercial break, he couldn't help but pray that this would lead to something more.

Oh, I just can't believe
That you chose a guy like me.

She chose me to take her home
I guess that's all I ever wanted...

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